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Yerim, after giving Irene an important diary, which she has always kept by her side, has spent a whole day dumbfounded. She said in the letter that she needed to let go of Seulgi. Yerim doesn't know how many times she's told herself, but, Yerim knows, she has to do it this time.

Seulgi will soon be free, and she cannot expect Seulgi to continue as she has been for years. Especially now that she no longer has any strings attached to Irene. Yerim can only be with Seulgi when Irene doesn't have feelings for her. But now Seulgi has also become Irene’s most important person.

She stayed .. for what reason?

After one day, just one day. Yerim regained her spirit and began to search for evidence to release Seulgi. That day she was in Irene’s headquarters office, it was so hard, actually, she was also very scared. She was afraid she would not fulfill her responsibilities. She feared that the evidence she presented would not be convincing enough to bring Seulgi out.

And yes, the evidence for this case is quite sporadic, because the Black Press activity is very wide and has many small branches. More importantly, Yerim knows that those fake documents were not made by Kang Joonho, there is definitely someone behind him to help him. Just by finding that person, everything will be solved, Seulgi will be proved pure. But, within a week, with her ability will she be able to find out or not?

The pressure and tension weighed on Yerim's shoulders, only one night passed and she felt like a long time. The pressure was so great that Yerim felt extremely heavy, as if a large rock was weighing on her shoulders. One day Seulgi was locked up in the cold room, and one day Yerim could not sleep well.

She heard that the Seoul police had re-investigated the Black Press case because of some problems during the investigation. This time, they will mobilize more forces as well as the participation of many stakeholders. At least, Irene is doing what she has to do. And this time, she was on the right track. This made Yerim feel somewhat reassured. Irene’s efforts made Yerim feel like she was not the only one who opposed the world for Seulgi.

In the evening, Yerim sat in her family's study, making one phone call after another. She was trying to mobilize all her connections to help with the evidence-gathering of the Black Press, as much as possible. All sources of information, even the smallest, can help. Joy also did everything in her power to cover up articles with false content about the complexity of this case. Yerim was busy talking on the phone when Kim Saeron, her younger sister from the door slowly walked in.

Seeing Saeron's presence outside the door, Yerim just silently raised her hand to signal her to wait a moment, then quickly ended her unfinished phone call.
"It's late at night, I just want to ask you about it, Mr. Jung, if you can help me, that's good," she said.
"Yes, thank you very much. As if I owe you one this time, I will definitely appear in Court to help you later." Then Yerim hung up. She looked up at Saeron still standing in front of her, her small mouth showing a slight smile.
"Saeron, why haven't you slept now?" Saeron observed Yerim's face. Although the mouth is smiling, the spirit is extremely tired. Her sister is a woman of heavenly colors, very beautiful face, like a fragrant flower. Yet now, the two dark circles in the eyes are so obvious, there must be something to worry about.
"Sis, is there a problem?" Saeron asked softly. Normally, she rarely interferes with her family. Although no one in the house to let her pay attention, but Saeron knows in her family there is always a extreme tension, like a silent war is going on. The culmination was the fact that both Seulgi and Joonho were escorted by police in front of her and Yerim's hasty return from New Zealand.

Her father was upset about it, she didn't say anything about it, because she thought it was none of his business. Seulgi and Joonho's arrest did not affect SY, but his concern for Seulgi and Saeron could be clearly seen. And she thought, he could help.

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