His Bedroom

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After a much needed relaxing bath, Elijah carried me to his bed. He delicately dried me before laying down next to me, pulling the soft covers over us. We laid nude in his comfortable bed and he slyly wrapped his arms around me as we snuggled into each other. He pulled me closer into him, my face buried into his chest. In comfortable silence, we took in each other's scent, enjoying the simple cuddling. I let out a soft sigh after inhaling his naturally musky scent.

Never would I have imagined laying beside the one person who I had sought to love for many years now. Being this close to Elijah filled me with an overwhelming sense of adoration as he softly fell asleep with his arms softly draped around me. I reached my small hand up to stroke his cheek. He leaned into my touch, in which I gingerly smiled.

Elijah would never understand how much he meant to me, even with how many words I could try to convey my feelings through. There weren't enough words to describe how deeply I felt for him, and there would never be. For years, I had practically hated myself over liking someone like him, who I knew would never like me back. Now, he was my lover and I couldn't ask for anything more than that simple act.

I reached my hand to tangle it in his short blonde locks. Giggling quietly to myself, I messed up his wet, slicked-back hair. He leaned further into my touch, our noses almost touching. I smiled at the act, rubbing them together to give him an Eskimo kiss. His stunning blue eyes slowly fluttered open and he gazed into mine.

"You're beautiful." I simply spoke.

He smiled bashfully at me before pulling me closer into him. "And have I ever told you how gorgeous you are in my eyes, Liam?" Giving him a soft smile, he placed a short, loving kiss on my lips before continuing," You are. And your eyes are intoxicating. Whenever I gaze into your exquisite brown pools, I want to drown in them forever." Elijah whispered, reaching his hand from around my waist to tuck a stray piece of hair behind my ears. I flushed at his flattery, a soft pink hue adorning my face.

"I never realized how the little things you do daily affect me as well, Li. You gave me the perfect opportunity earlier in the bar to give in to my desires, and you're ravishing." The compliment left me breathless as I quietly sucked in the last remaining breath I had. He smiled gingerly at me and shut his eyes.

"When I propose to you, would you have me do it in a public setting or in a private area to seal the deal?" He softly questioned me, setting my face ablaze.

"We aren't even together yet, dork." I shyly spoke, my hands still resting on his cheeks. Still smiling, he let out a soft breath.

"Aren't we, my dear? Then would you be so kind as to accept my offer of being my beloved?" Elijah spoke in a dramatically posh voice. I giggled and gave him a soft peck on the lips.

"Of course, Eli. You mean the world to me." I ran my hands through his now slightly damp locks, gently massaging the back of his head. Eyes still closed, he let out a content sigh. After mere minutes, we fell asleep in each other's arms.


Hours later, I awoke with my backflushed against Elijah's chest, an arm wrapped protectively around my waist. I smiled to myself and slowly opened my eyes.

Light flowed in through slightly opened blinds and the drawn curtains of his bedroom curtains. The soft covers now laid at our waists, our chests exposed to the sunlight. Sighing in content, I moved to get up, when I felt a strong tug around my waist.

"Mmm~ where do you think you're going?" A husky voice spoke from behind me. I flushed a slight pink and turned in his grasp to face him. His blonde hair was now messed up and softly laid against the pillow.

"Nowhere, apparently." I chuckled, softly draping my arms over his shoulders. Reaching up to give him a soft, yet passionate kiss, his eyes fluttered open at the contact. He smiled down at me and pulled me closer into him.

"Nope, you aren't. Stay with me here forever." Elijah whispered into my ear, nuzzling his face into my neck. My face kept a steady blush as he did so.

"I would love to, but I should make us some breakfast ya know."

"Ugh, fine. But stay with me for a little longer." He softly spoke, leaving a butterfly kiss upon my jaw. I shuddered at the simple gesture. Still, I wasn't used to his gentle touches. Elijah smiled against my skin, leaving more delicate kisses along my jaw, every now and then sucking at the skin. Now my face adorned a deeper blush, I loved how he treated me.

He was everything I had hoped he would be as a partner. I mean, I hadn't seen him be my lover in a general sense, but his caresses made me feel special.

Elijah laid more soft kisses down my neck, and onto my chest. He disappeared underneath the duvet as he trailed kisses down my lower abdomen before stopping just at my cock. I felt his finger softly graze the side of it before gently blowing hot breath onto my steadily growing hard-on.

"W-Wait-" He ran his tongue dreadfully slow across the slit, causing a small mewl to flow out of my throat, surprising both of us. In a rapid moment, Elijah had thrown the duvet back and flipped me on my back. Quickly, he leaned just above me, his hot breath tickling my neck.

"I want to hear that noise again, princess~" Elijah demanded in an intimidating tone that made me buckle against his grip as he stroked my cock. I let out another mewl as he began to tease it by slowly dragging his tongue along the side of it. He made his way up to the head before placing his plump lips upon it, giving it a small kiss. With no hesitation, he slipped my cock in his mouth and began to deep throat it. I refrained from pushing his head farther down, but he continued until it hit the back of his throat. With a long, embarrassingly loud mewl, Elijah began to fondle what couldn't fit in his mouth with his hand. He locked eyes with me as he suddenly began to somehow run his tongue up and down my length and I came without warning.

"Eli~ I-I'm sorry~" I moaned as I came into his mouth, small bits of cum still flowing into his mouth. He looked up at me, his eyes holding nothing but lust as he swallowed all that I had come. "E-Eli!" I whisper-shouted in panic.

"No need to worry, Liam~" Elijah spoke huskily, crawling over my now shuddering body. "You were delicious~" He stated embarrassingly. Slowly, he made his way to hovering slightly above me.

"Liam~" He teased, softly running his fingers along my sides to rest on my hips.

"Y-Yeah?" I squeaked out. Knowing that I couldn't trust my voice, I bit my bottom lip in hesitation.

"You don't understand how delightfully sexy you are, do you?~" Elijah huskily asked, moving his hands from my hips to entangle his fingers with mine. I simply shook my head in response, Elijah chuckling at my reaction.

"You're mine, now. And you're fucking adorable." He cursed out, instantly sending shocks across my body. My cheeks held my bright red blush as he grinned at me below him. "I could fuck you right now, couldn't I?~" Elijah teased leaning lower to hover right about my lips. I held back a muffled moan as he ground himself down against me.

"But then I wouldn't be able to control myself from fucking you until you can't walk. And we can't have that, can we?"

He grinned at my exposed body, biting his lip at the sight. I didn't answer in any way besides leaning up to meet his lips. His eyes fluttered closed and I shut mine all the while I removed my hands from his to wrap around his neck, pushing his head closer into me. Our kiss was passionate and seemed to never end as he forced my mouth open with his tongue. His appendage invaded my lips to meet mine in a battle of dominance. Of course, I could never win as I melted into his touch. He ran it over the top of my roof to meet just below my tongue. As we pulled apart for breath, a long string of saliva connected our lips. His eyes were just slightly opened as he hovered above me.

"I love you, Liam." He spoke whole-heartedly, moving to give me a shorter, loving kiss.

"And I love you, Elijah," I spoke affectionately, meeting his lips to give him another tender kiss.

We pulled apart and Elijah rolled to my right, gazing at me as he laid down. Our eyes met in silence, the ocean meeting honey. I looked away and stared at the ceiling before pulling the duvet over both of us and laying on my back once again. I grabbed his hand with my right hand and shut my eyes.

He was my everything.

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