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They continued the party, they didn't get to discuss much about what happened to Steve & Natasha.

Making Natasha and Steve lose the chance to tell them they're together. Well, it's not like they'll tell them they're together.

a day later

"Hey Everyone! Rise &  Shine!!!"
Tony entered the kitchen holding his arms mid air with a cup of warm black coffee.

"Haven't missed this one bit," Natasha smirked.

"Come on red! Don't be shy, jusg admit you missed me!" Tony twirled.

"No." Natasha glared playfully, knowing that he isn't going to get a 'proper' response from Natasha anytime soon, he decided to talk to the other human who went missing.

"How about you Cap? Miss me?" He raised a brow and pouted his lips.

"Not really,"  Steve smirked and took a bite of his cinnamon roll.

"Tony, we're right here. Don't pretend that you didn't see us ok?" Rhodey joked.

"Alright, good morning fellow avengers" he half yelled

"Good Morning Mr. Stark" Vision said politely.

"So Steve, Nat, what have you been doing this past 7 months?" Carol raised an eyebrow.

"Kissing." Natasha said like it's nothing. She can see in the corner of her eye that Steve's eyes are wide open, but it slowly went back to normal and the Captain ended up smirking at his partner's witty way of revealing their relationship.

"Oh, you and Steve were kissi-" Sam said calmly until he realized that they have been kissing.

"HOLY SHIT!! YOU TWO ARE TOGETHER!" Sam almost dropped his mug.

"So?" Tony said.

Natasha & Steve looked at him with shocked faces

"What?-" Steve asked but Stark interrupted him.

"I may or may not have.... Uh... saw you two kissing 7 months ago??" Tony said with a scared face.

Natasha patted his arm

"Thanks for holding it all in" Natasha smirked

"Hold on, you're t-thanking me?!" Tony's jaw dropped.

"Yeah, that's what friends do" She winked at him and left the room, Steve closely following her steps.

"What the hell just happened" Sam deadpan asked and everyone in the room had the same sketch of emotion painted on their faces.

Hey! This is a short chapter since idk what else I'll put since this was the unfinished chapter from September 2019, and I forgot what I was going to put here. But yeah, hopefully the next chapter will be longer.

Thank you for the support even after I haven't updated in months♥️

Happy New Year❣️

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