Chapter 28

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Bresha POV:

I've been happier since Mike and I got back ta'getha. He's a whole different Michael. He still have his dumb moments but he's juss different lol. He has regained a lil of my trust back. He's been keepin' it real wit me and dats tha most important thang I wanted from him. I wanted him ta keep it one hunnid. His manager is na a dude so na I'm even moe comfortable. Tha only time he talks ta a female is when he doin' a video. Otha than dat he talks ta tha females in his life. And Wendy is excited dat we're back ta'getha. Right na life couldn't be betta

Trey POV:

Me: "Erica why are you so damn crazy?!"

Erica: "I'm crazy because yall make me like this!"

Me: "Who is y'all?! You got MPD or some shit?!"

Erica: "No Trey. I meant y'all as in guys. Every guy is the same..."

Me: "No we're not..."

Erica: "Yes y'all are. You all lie and cheat. I've neva met a loyal nigga a day in my life..."

Me: "Yea you have..."

Erica: "I have? Please tell me who cuz I clearly remember getting cheated on multiple times..."

Me: "Me. Erica..."

She just looked at me

Me: "I'm that loyal nigga. Ion cheat. And Ion lie. I used to have hoes Erica. I don't anymore. I promise you that. If I wanted hoes, I wouldn't have got with you and I woulda kept'em. They are no longer in my life. You're the only girl I want. Even though you crazy. I love you. I would never hurt you in anyway. I need you yo understand that. I'm different. So you can let your guard down. Can you do that for me?"

She nods and I pull her face to mines and kiss her. She needs to get over this fear of me hurting her cuz I'm not like that. She needs to realize that

Mariah POV:

Aug's so pissed at me. Last night I juss cried myself ta sleep and woke up wit puffy eyes dis mornin'. Afta doin' what I needed ta do, I got Aug and NeNe freshened up and dressed. I fed'em, got dey stuff ready and took'em ta Sheila's cuz she's takin'em somewhere. Afta I dropped'em off, I went ta see Kordero cuz I have ta do dis photoshoot then tha video right afta so ain't no tellin' what time Imma get home

Me: "Hey Kordero"

Kordero: "Wassup MeMe. Its been a minute..."

Me: "I know right. And I'm sorry I didn't come in yestaday. I'm kinda...dealin' wit sum'n' and I had ta hol' up my promise I made ta somebody..."

Kordero: "It's all good. How you been?"

Me: "Eh..."

Kordero: "Gotcha. You ready to get tha day started?"

Me: "Yup"

Kordero: "Good. Cuz there's a lot of catching up to do"

I juss laughed and shook my head. Dis is gonna be festive

*10 p.m.*

When I went back home, I did my hygiene stuff, Put on a sports bra, hoodie, VS lace panties, spandex shorts, and er'thang else I always put on. I left my hair down since I washed it. I went in tha kids room ta see if dey up and it turns out dey are. Lil vampires lol. I went in tha kitchen, put some grapes in a bowel, washed'em, sat on a stool, and started eattin' my grapes. While I was scrollin' through my phone and listenin' ta music, August came ova and sat by me. So I paused it and took out my right earphone

Me: "Wassup?"

August: "Can we talk?"

I nod and put my phone down

Me: "Surrre"

August: "I juss wanna know. Why?"

Me: "It wasn't on purpose, August. I would neva do shit like dat on purpose. It juss happened. I stopped befoe it could escalate. He caught me off guard..."

August: "Is it because of tha last three months?"

Me: "Kinda. But I didn't do it ta hurt chu..."

August: "It juss fucked up dat chu tol' me you loved me befoe you left. Then you came back and tol' me dat. Dats what really set me off..."

Me: "And I do love you. You know dat..."

August: "You sure bout dat, MeMe?"

Me: "Did you really juss ask dat? Wow..."

August: "Well. How else do you expect me ta feel?"

Me: "August if I didn't love you...I wouldn't be hea' right na. Why would you-"

August: "Cuz you been blowin' me off..."

Afta he said dat my phone went off. I juss left it sittin' where it was sittin'

August: "And he's tha reason why. Ya know what. Fuck it..."

He got up and I turned 'round in my stool

Me: "Fuck it?"

August: "Yea. Fuck it. I give up. I'm tired of it. Point blank period..."

Me: "And how do you think I feel, August?! What makes you think I enjoy dis shit?! Well I have news fa you bruh. I don't fuckin' enjoy it. So you know what. You're right! Fuck it. I'm tired of arguin' wit chu from tha time we wake up. Ta tha time we go ta sleep. So don't worry bout me anymoe beybe. Worry bout yo'self and those two upstairs. Conversation done"

I grab my phone and go upstairs in tha guest room. I sit on tha bed and count ta ten cuz I'm on tha verge of punchin' him in his shit. He ain't gotta worry bout me


Short I know

Bresha all good in happy land

Trey trynna get Erica ta undastand he not gonna cheat

Aug and MeMe done?

How you feel bout dat?

Fast forwardin' time

Prolly errors. Oops

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Instant Love III: Always and Forever {Trilogy: August Alsina Story} (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now