Chapter 45

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*1½ month later*

August POV:

Its been a month and a half since MeMe been back. Lil Aug knows bout tha whole memory thang but she actually made progress ova tha last month and a half. But she still doesn't have tha names. She knows bout tha whole wife and mommy thang. But tha only names she knows right na is is Nevaeh and Lil Aug. She juss woke up one mornin' and asked if dey were still sleep. So I was hype bout dat. It juss haven't hit ha dat my name is August. Ion know when she's gonna rememba it. It might juss be a random type thang. Ova tha last month and a half, I neva forced anythang. If she asked bout sum'n', I would tell ha. But otha than dat, I neva forced. Ta'day Chris and nem decied ta come by ta check on ha. Dey check on ha literally almost er'day. Espically Kirk and Chris. She's like dey lil sista so dey treat ha like one. When we walk in, I smell food and Chris fat ass gets all hype lol. When we walk in tha kitchen, she smiles at me

Mariah: "Hey Aug"

Me: "Hey MeMe"

Then I close tha refridgerator and look at ha. I look at Chris and nem and dey got tha same face expression I got

Me: "Repeat dat..."

Mariah: "Hey Aug" She said laughin'

I get happy like a mofo. I get so happy I pull ha by ha waist and lean down and kiss ha. She kissed me back and wrapped ha arms 'round my neck. I pull away and she smiles

Mariah: "Damn. I missed you, too"

Me: "Nah. I missed you. I missed you a lot. But ta make know who dey are, right?"

Mariah: "Well yea. Dats Chris, Kirk, Mike, Lena, Nae, and B. And I'm Mariah and you're August..."

Me: "*laughs* I got my midget back!"

I picked ha up and kissed all ova ha face and she starts laughin'

Mariah: '"*laughs* You a lil hype, babe"

Me: "*laughs* Dats cuz. I'm happy. Really. Really. Happy" I said in between kisses

Mariah: "And exactly why are you really really happy?"

Chris: "You have no idea do you?"

Mariah: "Honestly no..."

Me: "What's tha last thang you rememba?"

Mariah: "Besides tha last five minutes and dis mornin'. I rememba bein' in tha club at tha bar..."

Then she looked up at me

Mariah: "Oh! And darkness. If dat makes sense and makes me not look so cray cray. Umm. Oh! And seein' Mel and my grandma..."

Me: "Befoe I get ta're right bout tha club part. Do you...ya know..."

She shakes ha head and turns off tha stove and go in tha livin' room. I tell ha what happen and ha face expression has anger all ova it. When I finish she's quiet fa a few seconds

Mariah: "Are you fuckin' serious right na?!"

Then she speaks lol

Me: "As you would say, I'm butt serious..."

Mariah: "Tha FUCK! Crazy ass mothafucka! Why tha fuck would he do some shit like dat?!"

Me: "Calm down. He's taken care of. Actually tha day afta, we flew ta NOLA. Let's juss say...he got lit..."

Then she looked at me

Mariah: "Bruh. Fa you there's two meanings of lit. One...gettin' a full clip busted in dey ass. related..."

Me: "It was both..."

Mariah: "I know there was somebody else...can't rememba him though..."

Me: "Rome?"

Mariah: "Yea! Dat fuck nigga"

Me: "*laughs* He wasn't there. I guess he got busted by Gregg..."

Mariah: "Oh. Good!"

Me: "Na...back ta you seein' Mel and yo granny. Explain please?"

Mariah: "Dats juss it. I can't explain it. And I know fa fact I'm horrible at explainin' shit..."

Kirko: "Yeen ain't lyin'. She had me sit in one spot fa at least three hours cuz she was trynna explain sum'n' ta me..."

Mariah: "Ion rememba dat..."

Kirko: "Of course you don't. You already have short term memory loss already..."

She gives him tha evil eye and he gets up. I juss laugh

Kirko: "I'll be in tha kitchen..."

Mariah: "Yea. You go..."

Then she looks at me

Mariah: "Befoe I got sidetracked...I can't explain it. It was a "dream" I guess. I juss know it was bright as fuck and he said he was glad dat I made you into a one woman man and he's glad bout dat cuz he likes me and some otha stuff I can't rememba. Oh! And you're apparently you're hard headed..."

Me: "*laughs* I ain't dat hard headed. And I'm glad you did, too cuz I wouldn't be tha same without my midget..."

She pecks my lips twice and I kiss back. I'm glad my midget has ha memory back. Na er'thang is back ta normal. I need a new manager lol. I need a very nerdy, punk ass manager. But til then, Nae's gonna be my manager and MeMe's lol


Short I know

Trey POV is no moe. He s juss gonna pop up in otha POVs

MeMe got ha memory back

Book almost ova

Don't know what chapter to end it at tho

If there's errors. Oops

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Instant Love III: Always and Forever {Trilogy: August Alsina Story} (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now