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He slowly ran his fingers through my hair.

What is he doing?

My head jerked backwards as I felt the knife slice through my hair.

"What the fuck " I scream

"I need to get rid of it I can't stand this fake hair covering your natural beauty"

Dumb ass bitch

"Let me do it myself" I firmly state

He hands me the knife

I gently slice through the thread that holds the weave to the cornrows.

Stay calm Marcellina you can't be scared of him.

After I finish taking the hair out I don't put the knife down. My hands  hold the so tightly around the cool metal object that I know it's going to leave an imprint.

" Give it back" Orson demands

I silently stand up over him

"Let me out of here" I growl while holding the knife outwards.

Orson quickly stands up and hits my wrist down. I pull back from the sting of pain his hand leaves behind. The knife clatters on the ground and he scrambles to pick it up .


"Your always going to be the dumb slut that you were years ago" Orson
Taunts while pressing the knife onto my neck.

I try to hold in the tears that fill my eyes as the memories come back.
                           Flash back
It was a few weeks after my 10th birthday and I thought I was so cool having a guy friend who was almost 5 years older than me. My school was a joined k-12 school and I was easy to have interactions with the older kids a couple times a day. So when Logan asked to meet me in the storage room after school I was so excited to be seen with someone older so I could brag to all my friends.

I stood inside the storage room anxious 

Maybe he's not going to show up

When he finally showed up a big smile spread across my face.

I heard a thud of something falling on the ground


" You thought I didn't know about your slutty hobbies"

"You know it wasn't like the that" my voice shaking

"I'm sure you loved every second of it"
He remarked

"Let me fucking see him" I scream

"You know that's the only reason why he's with you, he just wanted to see you perform in action".

I escape from his grasp and break down sobbing on the floor.

"Pathetic" he says while walking out the door swinging the knife

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