Chapter 20 Escape and Rescue

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A/N: I guess It's time to visit you guys again.

Chibi Ted: You bet Buddy! *Bear hugs A/N*

A/N: Can't...*wease*...breathe...

Chibi Victor: I think I know you.

Chibi O'Brien: L-let's get the chapter started *nervously laughs*.

O'Brien seemed on edge and it's not because of the fact Victor red punched a demon through a couple of building's and Ted notice that O'Brien was trying to hide his face. Victor was just standing there waiting for them to do anything really.

Victor the Red: You guys just gonna sit behind that rubble all day?

He said trying to get a better look at there faces as he can tell one of them was an Artos and the other he couldn't tell as he was definitely trying to hide his face and he didn't know why. Ted slowly poked his head out and looked at Victor.

Ted: How do we know you're not going to kill us?

Victor did have to admit he had a point as he was one of the leaders of the Loyalist key word being was.

Victor the Red: I won't harm you two though I don't blame you for not trusting me...

Victor looked down and felt shame as even if he wasn't in complete control of his actions he still took part in them. O'Brien had a hood over his head so that Victor didn't recognize him immediately, but he knew the he'll recognize him as soon he got close and Ted was confused as to why O'Brien was so nervous  and why Victor was not trying to kill them.

Ted: So why are you suddenly switching sides?

Ted asked not knowing the Victor was Mind control to a degree were his dark parts of his mind were in control and not having his memories prevented him from snapping out of the spell. Victor showed the mask to Ted.

Victor the Red: This mask made the darkest parts of my mind surface and it also made me forget who I was.

Victor looked Ted directly in the eyes.

Victor the Red: I was only able to tear this off my face when I was launched into the sky with help from someone I knew dearly...

Ted knew he was telling the truth from the look of his eyes as they weren't the eyes if a soulless killer that John and Adam described. Victor stowed the mask and looked back down and continued.

Victor the Red:...I understand if you don't believe me...I have done to much for that...Isn't that right O'Brien?

Chibi O'Brien: YOU KNEW?!

Chibi Victor: Yep just wanted to see your face*grins*

O'Brien nearly jumped out of his skin after hearing that and was stumped as to how he could tell who he was so easily.

O'Brien: Ho-

Before he could finish Victor continued.

Victor the Red: Not much can get past me It's the one luxury of being the Royal Spymaster of the family back then...

Victor looked at O'Brien and sighed.

Victor the Red: Now I know how it feels to be used like a puppet and I imagine you know how that feels.

O'Brien knew what Victor was feeling as he was liltry used like a puppet by Omen Bitter, however an unfamiliar voice grabbed there attention.

???: If you two can stop having a pity party, I'd like to ask you a question.

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