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The king of 'Alynth' shot up from his majestic bed; gasping for air

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The king of 'Alynth' shot up from his majestic bed; gasping for air. Cold sweat dripped down the forehead of the king. His pitch black eyes lingering outside his palace balcony where the moon hung high. His eyebrows knitted together in frustration. Part of him knew exactly why was he getting these nightmares and another part of him didn't want to admit it.

For a brief moment he felt thrown back in time. The witch's voice still ringing in his ears,"The promise ring buried with the dead; her soul tangled with you even after death. A siren singing is deadlier than a siren silent thus you shall retrieve it to reverse the curse before the blood moon rises".

He mind linked his beta, who rushed himself immidiatly before his king. His bowed slightly, in submission before entering the room,❝You summoned me.❞

❝Prepare for the journey. We will be visiting her.❞ The king ordered.

❝Alpha, forgive me for being brash. I don't think it's convenient to for us to leave at the moment. The blood moon is on the rise, the shemales are already showing signs of distress for the heat that is yet to come, rougues are going rabid; mutiple attacks observed near the borders. Moreover, Think about the consequences if the council comes to know about it.❞ the alpha growled in response.

❝The council have no power over me.❞ the alpha paused, slowly making his way towards his beta, until he was only standing a feet away from him,❝Don't make myself repeat twice. I will give you permission to leave now and get yourselves ready for tomorrow's journey.❞ the king used his alpha tone to command him.

❝Yes, Alpha.❞ with that his beta bowed and the left, quickly shutting the door behind him as he went.

❞ with that his beta bowed and the left, quickly shutting the door behind him as he went

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I'm alive guys

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I'm alive guys. Hold down your pitchforks; I apologize for the slow updates, I've been busy with collage. I know the chapter is short, well, very short but I promise you that the upcoming chapters will be long and exciting. So stay tuned. Anyways, I really appreciate your support; thank you for adding 'cinder' to your reading list. I hope you guys really enjoy reading my work. Don't be a silent reader. Please do vote, comment and share. Thank you.

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