Chapter Ten: A trip to Fazbear Fright

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Bryan's P.O.V

Jon and I reached his pizzeria to see Chica and Freddy at the door, Chica holding a baseball bat and Freddy holding a crowbar. As we reached the door Chica spotted us approaching.

"They're alive!" She shouted out at us while pointing.

"Oh yay they're back!" Freddy responded.

We walked into the building, the first thing I saw was Rockstar Freddy and Baby talking to each other.

"Hey guys we're back with supplies!" I shouted with excitement.

They both turned to us as we had a bunch of stuff in our arms, Freddy walked over and took the stuff from me and placed them in the security office. I followed him into the room to see Davis on the computer looking through some files, I approached him and tapped his shoulder.

"Huh? What do you want?" He asked passive aggressively.

"I was just wondering what you're looking at..." I replied.

"I'm looking to see if Springtrap had documented what this weird Virus is." He answered.

"Oh, anything so far?" I asked further.

"Nothing, as if he wiped every piece of data..." He sighed aggressively indicating for me to leave him be.

Jon walked into the room.

"Hey Bryan, wanna come with me on another quick delivery?" He asked.

"Can I go?" Davis butted in.

"No sadly, we need you here for crowd control..." Jon looked at the main room.

Over the past couple of days food has been scarce and we let more and more civilians into our little fort considering the city is covered in the virus.

"Ok, where we off to this time?"

"Fazbear Fright."

We quickly left the Pizzeria and hopped in Jon's car...

~~Time Skip~~

The ride was silent, but as we arrived I got out of the car as Jon did. Suddenly Springtrap walked out of the building holding a knife. My eyes widened as I started to shake and I hid behind Jon.

"Don't worry Bryan, he won't hurt you. He's not the same Afton." Jon comforted me.

"Have you got the part?" He asked as he approached Jon.

"Yes, do you need help setting it up?" He answered, holding out a weird rainbow glowing device.

Springtrap nodded as he led us inside, the place was creepy and run down. I saw a weird Bonnie looking animatronic and a puppet of sorts talking in the main room, we went behind the curtain and into a strange lab room. Jon and Springtrap went into an underground area as I just sat on the ground looking at my surroundings, the weird room had many bright glowing colours all peeking out at me.

Suddenly a girl with a massive scar going down half her face walked into the room.

"Mr Afton, you there?" She shouted out as she noticed me sat against the wall.

"B-Bryan?" She jumped.

"Ersa, is that you?" I asked.

"Yeah! It's been a while hasn't it..." She sighed.

"It has. Wait- what are you doing here?!" I asked standing up looking at her.

"I, am kind of trapped here..." She answered.

"What do you mean?"

"Here, sit down. I'll explain everything...-"

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