Chapter Twelve: Glitched out

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Bryan's P.O.V:

After the loud explosion I woke up with a massive piece of my jacket ripped off, I looked around to see Afton, Jon and Ersa all together.

As I walked over I noticed Ersa's eye was different and she had the piece of my jacket wrapped around her arm, she probably got hurt from the explosion...

"Oh you're awake." Jon noticed me walking over.

"Are you okay Ersa?!" I shouted in concern as I crouched next to her.

"Yeah, I'm fine just a bit scratched up..." She replied still looking at her reflection on her phone.

"Y-Your eye..." I looked at her right eye which was a black and grey iris with black shagged lines coming out of it.

I stood up and looked around us, the trees had black leaves and the grass was dead. I blinked and it was all back to normal.

"What the heck is going on?" I yelled in confusion as everything around me was changing.

I suddenly snapped out of it as Jon grabbed my shoulder...

"Are you alright?" He asked me as I looked around us and it was all normal...

Jon's p.o.v:
Both Ersa and Bryan were acting off, I could tell that Afton was really confused. I walked over and helped Ersa up as we carried on walking down the road hoping we'd get home soon...

~~time skip~~

After three hours of walking I could see the city ahead, as soon as we all spotted it we started running to safety, we ran through the wrecked city full of virus infected civilians and animatronics...

The door to the pizzeria was locked shut, I loudly knocked on the door and charged in as soon as Chica opened the door.

"Woah, woah, woah! What happened? you guys look terrible!" She was concerned.

As soon as Afton walked in, everyone ran  up to the front with guns aimed at him...

"Calm down everyone! This is a different Afton!" I shouted out as they all lowered their guns.

Ersa started to fall as I caught her, I slowly carried Ersa to the office and placed her on the bed...

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 12, 2019 ⏰

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