Chapter 2

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After putting John to bed and picking the movie (Twilight), I ended up falling asleep in Mike's arms, he was mumbling things like "Ann" and "I miss you Ann" but I didn't think anything of it, his sister Ann died 2 years ago and he had drama about her often, i sleep like a rock, it takes a hell of a lot to wake me up, so when I heard that familiar Brittish Accent my eyes shot open, "Is that her?" he asked, "Yeah, she turns 17 in September" that voice was definitely mum, I sat up slowly, "Mum?" I asked rubbing my face, "Yeah it's me, go back to bed" she says an I nod sliding back into Mike's arms, I felt a kiss in my forehead and then I was back asleep almost as quickly as I had woken, I felt like I was flying and then I was laid back onto something soft, "Goodnight Samantha" the oddly familiar vice says once again, then I heard my door shut and drifted off into sleep again


"I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I, I want to save you, wa-" my alarm startled me, "Shut up!" I groan hopping up, I checked my phone and saw a message from Mike

'I had fun, see you after school, love you lots-Mike'

I smile and put it on charge before I go to school, I walked downstairs and heard talking, "I had the weirdest dream, Harry Styles wa-" I stopped dead in my tracks when i saw the curly-haired boy sitting in MY kitchen with no shirt on, "ARGHH!" I screamed running back upstairs, wait he hates screaming fans, I listened hard and heard laughing, "She's a fan remember Haz" I heard my mum, "No I'm not! I'm a Directioner! There's a difference!" I shouted then clapping my hand over my mouth, I heard more laughing, I had a shower and chucked my uniform on, I go to a Girl's Only School, so Mike and I don't see each other much, I tip tied down the stairs while towel drying my hair and when I walked in I saw my mum and Harry kissing, "PDA!" I shout and they pull away, my mum blushing, "So ah morning" I say and Harry chuckles, I walk past my mum and Harry grabbing an apple, "So what did you and Mike do last night?" I heard my mum ask but I didn't say anythung I just say eating my apple, "Samantha? Hello?" I heard my mum again, "You're dating Harry Styles! And you didn't think of telling me" I say to her, I see Harry smirking in his seat, "Well I was going to tell you" she says and I sigh, "Sorry mum, it's just not every day you find out your mother's boyfriend is Harry Styles" I say and she laughs, "I know what you mean, well I'm going to have a shower and gonna try and wake your brother up" she says giving Harry a kiss and then me, God it was like seeing her kiss her son...Ew! He's like 2 years older than me, "Well I think we should start again" Harry says snapping me out of it, I give him a confused look, "Hi, I'm Harry Styles and I'm dating your beautiful mother" he says holding out his hand, "Hi, I'm Samantha Miller and your girlfriend is my mum" I say shaking his hand making him laugh, we sit and talk until mum comes down, "He's not going to school, he's suck, can you catch the train Sammy?" mum asks, "Why can't I drive?" I ask her and she shakes her head, "I don't trust you and my car" she says an I sigh, "I can drive her" Harry says speaking up, "Would you, that would be so helpful" mum says and he nods, "Of course, let me grab my shirt" he says standing up, oh god his muscles, his abs, "Why's it even off?" I mutter and I hear him chuckle as he walks upstairs, "So you like?" mum asks sitting in front of me, as I tie my hair into a messy bun, "Like? You stole my husband" I say and she laughs, i wasn't joking, God instead of being my husband he could end up being my dad, I shudder at the tight of it, "Ok, I'm ready" he says coming down the stairs, "Ok, I'll see you soon" she says as he walks over to us, he gives her one kiss, and a second and a third, I looked away, "Ok, lovebirds break it up, I need to get to school instead of watching you guys make out" I say grabbing Harry's hand and pulling him out to his car, "Let's get this show on the road" I say as he hops in, "Someone's grumpy" he says starting the car, "I'm a teenager, I just found out my mum's been dating Harry Styles for the last 3 months, oh and I got woken up" I say crossing my arms earning a laugh from him, "Well I know what you mean about being a teenager, and don't blame your mum, it wa my idea to keep it from you and your brother" he says an I give him a confused look, "She said a teenage daughter, and I asked if we could keep it to ourselves, because...well you know" he says and I nod, knowing where he's coming from, "So I want to know more about you, because you said yourself, you're a Directioner you know everything about me" he says smirking, "Fine, I'm 16, I got to a girls only school, I like singing, soccer, Martial Arts and history" I say and he nods, "So I see you've got a boyfriend, how long?" he asked, "1 year" I say smiling, "Your brother doesn't like him you know" he says and I nod, "Don't worry I know" I say and he chuckles, "Did he say something to you?" I ask him, "Yeah I was in the kitchen this morning and I had just gotten off the phone to Simin when he came in, I introduced myself and we started talking, he said something about Ann..." he says trailing off, "Oh his sister Ann died 2 years ago, he's been having these weird dreams about he for the last couple of months" I say, "That's not what he said" Harry said pressing it, "What did he say?" I ask again, "He said, he saw Mike when he was at his friends place...when they were at the park, and about a girl called Ann" he said, I didn't say anything, there was this girl at school called Ann who had a crush on Mike, but I believed him about his sister...I think, "Don't be angry with me, but maybe you should keep an eye on Mike" he says and then we get to the school, "Just drop it Styles! Ok you're not my dad! He'll you're 2 years older than me, just leave me alone!" I shouted jumping out of the car and running into school, I was crying full on now as I ran past my friends to the toilets, I cried in there until the bell rang, I felt horrible now, he was trying to help and then I screamed at him. I couldn't think about my school work, all I could think about how I was going to make it up to Harry. It was finally lunch! I ran to the toilets and called mum, "Hey is Harry there?" I ask before she could say something about how rude I was, I already knew that, that's why I was calling, "Sure I'll just get him...Harry!" she called, "Hello?" he said, my heart instantly fell at the sound of his voice, he sounded so sad, "I-it's me" I say, "Oh, shouldn't you be in school?" he asked, "It's lunch" I say, "Oh ok" he says after a few seconds of silence I basically cried into the phone, "I'm sorry!" I screamed, there was a light chuckle on the other end, but it didn't sound right, "it's fine love" he says and I shake my head even though he couldn't see, "No it's not, I acted like a total bitch to you and that wasn't fair" I say, still crying, "Are you crying?" he asks, there was no smug in his voice surprisingly just worry, "No" I say sniffling back the tears, "You're a terrible liar, don't cry love, please, I'm perfectly...and you're right I'm not your dad, and I shouldn't act like I am...I just care about you" he says and I smile , "Thanks Harry" I say, "It's all good love" he says and I smile, I always felt something weird when he called me 'love', "Now get to class before you get in trouble" he says, "Harry" I say before he hangs up, "Yeah?" he says, "I have choir this afternoon, do you want to maybe come and watch, like if you want" I say, I don't know why I was so nervous at asking Harry, "I'd love to, what time?" he asks and I smile, "Well it starts at 3:15 but you don't have to come till later" I say, "I'll be there at 3:15 with a perfect disguise, now off you go" he says and I could tell he was smiling, "Ok, see ya" I say before hanging up, I suddenly feel a lot better now

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