// France Pt. 1 //

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A.N Read the new edited prologue or this will not make sence.

I dangled my legs over the side of the boat, allowing the water to splash over my feet cooling them instantly. As the boat lifted, up and down over the waves, the occasional wave would sprinkle up and gently splash my face.

Although I wasn't the strongest of swimmers, and I was a scared of most creatures that dwelled beneath the waves, the ocean brought me -some what- comfort and relaxation. It put my mind to rest as I admired the rhythmic dancing waves, diving and clashing into each other.

The gentle blowing of the salty breeze brushed my hair out of my face, adding to my list of delights about the ocean. I lifted my head, of which was resting on my arms, to take in my surroundings.

As a little girl, I was determined when I was older, I'd get a boat. But as the years past on, and I realized how shit I was under pressure parking a car, I fucked that idea right off.

Where am I? En route to France. Why? Jessica's phone call was real. Although it hurt my pride of my tantrum about how it was fake.. The whole opportunity made me cry my eyes out and I had never felt so alive. I think my dreams are finally coming true.

So now I am here. We are all meeting up in Nanterre a town just outside Paris, to discuss tour buses and bunks. Why tour buses? I'm going on tour.

The phone call was about a Music Festival, it would be filmed and all the money they profited would be given to charity. Although not only this, but to see the festival is absolutely free. We will be traveling to the richest and poorest countries providing entertainment. I thought this was amazing but there is only one blip, I doubt who they said would go actually is attending. They must be far too busy to attend something that involves nobody's like me.


After I arrived in the hotel, I decided to just relax. I traveled with Jessica, but I do not have a manager or crew, I'm not even a verified singer. I just upload my songs onto YouTube. However MFOL - the Music Festival Of Light - expressed that if I took this up it would expand my fan base and put me out there... There for I agreed. Jessica on the other hand, is verified. So...you get the picture.

With a little time on my hands, I grabbed my guitar and strummed a few chords. I stared out of my hotel window, the rhythmic notes echoing through the room.

'It's so fluffy I'm gonna die!' I fished my phone out of my pocket and clicked on the new message.

J - I'll be there in 10. Get ready, were meeting the others too so dress formal. See you soon hun. X

10 minutes! I frantically lunched for my suitcase, carefully placing my guitar up against the wall. I scrummaged through my suitcase... formal formal formal. After deciding on an outfit (A.N Photo up top) I was ready to mingle with my new musical peers who I'd be touring with for 9 months.


I'm so mean! I guess a update is better than no update. It's just to let you know I haven't abandoned the story:) I edited the prologue... yeah I didn't like it's chopiness. Blech.

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But yeah it's 1 am and my eyeballs hurt. Oweee.

- Sede x

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