And your mission is...

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The facts of the situation were these...

You hadn't called or texted Seb

You hadn't been thinking endlessly about Seb

You hadn't been replaying that kiss over and over in your head every minute of the plane journey to Canada.

Well, only the first one of those was true but you had to compose yourself as you sat in the car with your dad, on the way to meet Lewis at quali. DON'T THINK ABOUT HIM!

"So why didn't you come to free practice?" your dad questioned.

"Didn't feel like it. I was just exploring the countryside with Giada" (Charles Leclerc's girlfriend)

"Oh, so you're friends with Giada now are you?"

"C'mon dad, she's the only person on the grid that's the same age as me. Actually she said I could watch the race with her.."

"And this doesn't have anything to do with Sebastian?" he asked as the car slowed to a hault.

"Of course not. Other side of the garage dad, God you are paranoid. How much is Lewis paying you, huh?" you laughed. Maybe it was a little bit of an overcompensation but your dad gave you one glance, shrugged, and got out of the car. Easy.

"Ok, but the second I see a photo of you in a Ferrari shirt I'm coming straight over there!"

You see the perk of having a World Champion as a brother, he took up a lot of your dad's time.

Strolling across the paddock, you aaw a lot of familiar faces. The buzz of race day always made your heart beat a little faster, but today it was pumping at such a speed you felt like you could be the one getting in the car. Passing the Mercedes garage, you sped up into a jog. You knew all the drivers would be busy in meetings anyway. You spotted Giada leaning against the pit wall and motioned for her to in you inside the Ferrari garage.

"I can't believe you actually managed to get away that easy?" she trilled. Of course, the two of you had spoken before, but not really about anything personal. Until you'd hung out one on one, you'd had no idea how fun she was. And of course, shed asked about Monaco. Now she was in on your plan. "Ok, lets go over it once more," she said.

"If my dad comes anywhere near, you're going to say that I've gone to the toilet. He'll literally believe anything. If you see Lewis come anywhere near, that's a code red ok? You say I'm sick, you run to find me, and then we'll haul ass out of there."

"And what about the whole Seb part?"

"I haven't planned everything, jeez, I'm not that weird," you laughed, only slightly ironically. The truth was, you had absolutely no idea how to approach the situation. Luckily, right at that very second the situation approached you.

"What are you doing here?" Seb said. Not the welcome you had expected. "I'm trying to focus."

"Didn't realise I made it hard for you to focus,"

"Come with me," Seb took your arm and practically marched you to the back of the garage and into the back corridor. He let go of your arm and turned sharply to face you, leaving your bodies inches apart. "Are you spying on me?" he asked.

"What? No," your mind was swirling, looking at him so close up, you see the day-or-two old stubble lining his perfect jaw. His blue eyes staring so intently at yours. His hips were centimetres apart from yours, and all you wanted was to close that space, to lean your body against his, tuck your head into the hollow of his shoulder. But now was not, it seemed, the time.

"Well I'm sort of having whiplash," he continues, "because for a second there I thought you quite liked me and then radio silence? Nothing? You don't have a kiss like that and then nothing Y/N it's not right and-"

You cut him off. Closing the distance between you you leant up on your tiptoes, gently but surely placing a single lingering kiss to his lips. And it was like you'd opened a floodgate. Immediately his strong arms wrapped around you. It was like this had been what your bodies were made for. You snaked your arms round his torso as you deepened the kiss, feeling his muscles ripple under his shirt as he moved. He was so warm to the touch that you felt like you were melting. This was the kiss you had been craving since Monaco, no interruptions this time. Your head spinning, you pulled away to look up into his eyes, bright as his smile which was casting the light of a hundred suns down on you.
"Definitely not nothing," you whispered. Closing your eyes, your head fell against his chest as you stayed, wrapped in each other's embrace. How could this ever be wrong? How could this not be exactly where you were supposed to be?

"Seb," someone called. "We need you out here buddy let's get ready!"

"Don't go anywhere," he smiled.

Adrenaline (Sebastian Vettel)Where stories live. Discover now