★ Ramuda Amemura

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Jealous! Ramuda x Reader
for @sakuya_itoh


• this fucker is (probably) surprisingly super lowkey over his own jealousy

• rather than him being a pain-in-the-ass and telling you to stop hanging out with his fellow members, he doesn't

• one being that brOs OvER hOEs (jkjk)

• seriously, one reason being that he didn't want fling posse to disband because of his own selfishness (disbanding because he suspects that his members will take his own lover???? what is he?? 5???)

• and two, he enjoyed seeing you happy with the people he's glad to call companions.

• if it's because of anyone else, he'd actually throw a hissy-fit or whine like a child

• "yyyyy/nnnn! pay more attention! to me!"
• he'll stomp his feet and will actually pout for an entire week straight

• he also becomes way more annoying
• he won't shut up honestly

• but there's one time where u've seen ramuda actually jealous of the attention he's been starved of

• it was a week or two before ur one-year with the fashion designer and u were just ,,,, missing??

• u thought about surprising him, so you plus gendice had decided to do something for the both of u

• including an entire shibuya district tour despite ramuda being literally the leader of the shibuya division team

• ((it's the thought that counts okay???))

• so in order to prepare for this, u avoided the fashion designer like the mf plague

• like, u never contacted him

• u found a way to get away from him, and so on

• he knew kind of what u were doing since both dice and gentaro would tell him everything,,,ish

• obviously, they didn't tell ramu about the surprise, but enough info about ur whereabouts so that he doesn't send a search party

• but the more he heard dice say ur name, the more he felt,,, angry

• by the way dice spoke about u, it sounds like u were having so much more fun with dice than ramuda ever had

• but then,,,, he heard gentaro tell dice about a ""surprise"" for ramuda, FROM u,, the missing lover

• so obviously, he thought that u were going to break up with him,,

• it would be a surprise: although, not very surprising since avoiding him made it clear


• like literally the day before ur anniversary


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