Chapt. 1

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Today I woke up with some akeing feeling in my stomach, I knew something was wrong, and my life was going to change, drastically.

My name is Danny, well that's what my 'parents' call me. I was looking for photos of when I was younger for a project, when I came across a letter from a man, his name was Billy Black.

Turns out I was kidnapped as a child because my mother couldn't have children. Silly cow, there's a reason for that, I've been through a lot, abuse, rape, verbal abuse, neglect and I've been lied to for 16 fucking years. Anyhow Billy Black is my father and has been looking for me since I was taken by these ass hole excuses for parents. He wrote a number for 'mother' just in case. I'm gonna phone it!

We've moved around a lot these past few years, I always wondered why, now I know I guess, in case they found us. The letter said my name was Lyla, I love it, it suits me better than Danny.

So, my name is Lyla, I'm 16, 17 in July, I'm tall at 6 2", russet brown skin and black hair down to my waist. I'm slim but not unhealthily skinny, a flat stomach with a six pack, which is pretty weird for a girl my age, the rest of my body is small making me look vulnerable, but that's not the case, I'm as fast as light and as strong as a wolf when it comes to fighting, I used to take extra fighting and P.E classes to pass the time after school. My eyes are a chocolate brown, it all fits perfectly together.

I look nothing like my parents, which I'm surprised I haven't noticed before. My 'mother' has bleached blond hair and very pale skin, she wears loads of make up so I don't know what her face actually looks like but I think she has freckles. Her eyes are as blue as the sky, I hate the sky.

My 'father' on the other hand, is ginger, with skin as pale as a vampires. He like my 'mother' has blue eyes and freckles.

Currently we are living in Seattle, Washington. I am online schooled, so I don't really have time to make friends.

We arrived here earlier this week, renting a small bungalow, 3 bedrooms, 1 for me, though I only get a mattress and a handful of clothes, 2 bathrooms, 1 attached to the master bedroom and 1 in the hall, the other bedroom is my 'punishment' room, there is a small living room, I've never been in it, I eat, sleep and drink in my room, and an even smaller room for the kitchen. My parents share a room and its right beside mine, the walls are paper thin so all their, 'activities' are the sound I fall asleep listening to, remembering when they did 'it' to me.


I am currently holding the mobile phone my mother doesn't use anymore, she thinks I don't know about it and it was in the bottom of her drawers so she probably won't know I have it. One can only hope, right? The letter is in my other hand containing Billy's number, deciding finally to call it. I prepared myself for the worst.

Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring

After 8 rings I was about to hang up when it went oddly silent, then I heard,"Hello?" It was a male voice of a boy around my age.

"Hello, I'm looking for a Billy Black?"

I heard the boy go silent, then a faint 'Dad? This girl, she sounds like mam, she wants to talk to you', he must have taken the phone from his ear.

There was rustling from the other line, right here goes, 3...2...1,"Hello, this is Billy, who do I owe the pleasure?"

"My name is Danny, or you would know me as Lyla, I'm your daughter." He went silent.

I was about to say something when I heard him put the phone from his ear and say to the boy,"Jake it's her. She's found us."

"Hello? Billy? Are you there?" I thought he didn't want me, he wasn't answering, course he doesn't want me! Who in their right mind would! I'm a fucking burden to everyone I come across! He's not even met me and he already hates me! At this point everybody else would be in tears! Not me I ain't a pussy like that! No use crying over somebody who hates you!

"Where are you?" The boy was back, Jake I think his name was.

"Seattle. Why?"

"Text me at this number I'm about to text you on your exact address, I'm coming to get you, pack your bags."

He text me on a mobile reading

use this to contact me, I'm your brother, well twin- him

No.7 rose lane Seattle Washington iv76 0n2 please hurry!- me

I'll be there in 20 minutes -him

Oh my God they were so close and I didn't even know. I have a brother and not just that, a twin. I wonder if we look alike? Does he have a girlfriend? Is he tall? Is he handsome? Is he independent or does he rely on people? I grew up not even knowing him or having a stable family, what if he can't deal with my trust issues?

It's been 17 minutes, luckily my 'parents' ain't here or I'd be in trouble. I grab a plastic bag from the kitchen and shove my only pair of pyjamas and my shorts and t-Shirt, so all my clothes basically.

There's a rapping on my door, I jump up and run to it, trailing my plastic bag behind me. I opened the door to a huge group of boys, all to be honest look similar to me. There was one in particular, he took one look at me and that all I needed. I jamp into his arms, I don't know how I knew, I just did. This was my brother.

"Hello to you too sis!" He said hugging me back,"I thought I told you to pack? Is the rest of your stuff inside? Boys go get it for me please!"

"No no no wait, this is all my clothes."He just stood and gaped at me.

"Well then... um... let's go then." He grabbed my hand and held it like he wasn't going to let go, fine by me. I held his my hardest, he winced but didn't say anything. We walked and jamp in the car.

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