Chapt. 2 Oh Brother

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We jamp into the car, it was a candy red Chevy truck. Most the boys went into the back in the cold night air, me, Jake and Sam, as I found out later, were in the front. The cops wouldn't see the guys in the back 'cause it was so dark.

On the ride home I found out a lot about my new family, Jake is actually Jacob, we have 2 other sisters, Rebecca and Rachel, one of which, is married and lives in Hawaii! They decided to come back next month when they found out I'll be back. Jacob is younger than me by 7 minutes, our mother took off 2 years after me and Jake were born, our father runs a building business, most the boys with us work for him. Our cousins live near us in Forks Bella Swan and her half brother Stanford swan, our Uncle,(Their father) Charlie Swan, he is remarried to a woman Sue Clearwater, who has 2 kids Seth and Leah,(Plus Stanford) her husband died of a heart attack a couple years ago, they are coming over tomorrow night for dinner, apparently Bella is a fantastic cook. We live in the LaPush Reservation which is just next to Forks. I found out that most people have our russet skin and dark hair so I'll fit right in.

We pulled up to a little red house with a barn-like garage next to it, with a old Rabbit in it, oh god I love cars!

"Jake? Who's Rabbit is that?" I decided to ask.

"It's mine, I'm surprised you know what it is!" He has a silly confused expression on his face.

"Well, duh, of course, I love cars!" This face was funnier than the last, it was a mix of joy, surprise and confusement."Well are we gonna go in or not, dude?"

He just nodded his head as I jamp out, mumbling something about stereotypes and why girls can like cars.

I can't believe that I'm gonna meet my father, my real father. Just then a man opened the door, he had the same russet skin as everyone else, brown eyes and should length black hair. He seemed delighted at something, wait, oh yeah, he's not seen his daughter in 16 years. He walks over slowly and puts out his hand, I had different ideas, I pulled him into a bear hug. "I missed you Lyla-bear." He said. How I wished I could have grown up with that nickname.

"Hey, I'm sorry it took so long to figure it out." I replied.

"Sam, we need a bonfire as soon as possible, Lyla needs to know the legends." Jake whispered to Sam about ten metres away.

"Jake? Why you whispering, everyone can hear you?" everyone just started at me with a dumbfounded look."What?"

"Lyla, how far away would you say I am to you?" He asked, weird but whatever.

"I'd say about 10 metres, why?"

"Lyl I'm 'bout 5 times that! Do you have a feeling in your stomach like when you've got the flu? and an ake in your bones?" What's with all the questions? He's getting on my nerves, I'm starting to shake. Wait what?

"Jake what's with the questions!" I'm about to burst.

"Come here! Are you running a fever?" THAT'S IT! I felt like I was going to explode! All my bones seemed to break at once, then a flash of reddish fur flew past my face! Was that a bird.

Lyla listen, calm down its alright we just need to explain a few things Was that Jake's voice in my head, what-the-actual-fuck?

She is so your sister Jake, yous are so alike it's unbelievable your furs even the same colour Did he just say fucking fur?!

Yes I did you're a wolf. After he said that I looked down from the house and at my feet or should I say PAWS! EXPLAIN WHERE MY FEET WENT, CRAZY VOICE IN MY HEAD! NOW!

You're a wolf. Our families descend from wolves, you will learn everything at the bonfire. Your alpha is Sam, Jake is beta, there Is also me, I'm Paul and Jared, Quil, Embry, Seth, Collin and Brady. We are the protectors of LaPush, we protect our people from the cold ones, vampires.

Paul! What the fuck! Why'd you tell her? I wanted to!-Jacob

Sorry man it's like a really strong alpha command came over me-Paul Alpha command, What?

So I'm a wolf, Sam's my Alpha, so I take it we read each others minds to help battle?-Me

Pretty much! Damnit how can you alpha command and how did you know that's why we have mind link?-Paul

Guess really and I just asked you to do something! Wait, Where'd Jake go!!- Me

He went to talk to Billy about your Alpha commanding fetish and to ask HOW YOUR A BIGASS DOG! There has never been females!-Paul

Sexist much. where are you anyways?-Me

He chuckled as I started turning around, there standing in front of me was a beautiful grey/silver wolf the size of a horse. I looked him in the eye and my whole world shifted, gravity wasn't holdings to the earth, Paul was. Suddenly I would do anything for him, be anything for him. As soon as I had changed, I would of done anything for my pack brothers, I don't know what that's about. But Paul, Paul is the one thing in the world that is right and can't go wrong. Things will never be right without him by my side. I'm getting feelings of love that aren't mine cause mine were double of what I've felt for anybody before, these, these feeling we're Paul's I just know it.

Got that right SheWolf!-Paul

Why do I feel the need to protect you Paul?-Me

Well we wolves have this thing called Imprinting, it's when our wolves find our soul mates and give us a nudge in the right direction, just so we don't miss them in the passing.-Paul

So I'm yours and your mine? You can never leave me?-Me

No SheWolf I'll never leave you baby.-Paul

I ran up to hug him then realised I was a wolf so it's pretty much I'm possible. I end up on top of him and him on the ground.


I turned to see a human Jacob running in our direction."Lyla get of him, you can't fight him yet you'll hurt him. Your bigger than Sam and that's not normal unless your supposed to be Alpha. Wait, you were born first, we come from the Alpha lineage."He mumbled quietly,"Oh shit, your Alpha!"

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