Chapt. 3 Me Alpha? No..... Yes?

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Previously on The SheWolf And The HotHead:

I turned to see a human Jacob running in our direction."Lyla, get of him, you can't fight him yet you'll hurt him. Your bigger than Sam and that's not normal unless your supposed to be Alpha. Wait, you were born first, we come from the Alpha lineage."He mumbled quietly,"Oh shit, your Alpha!"



Paul, how do I change back?-Me

All you need to do is think what it was like changing then do it backwards, that's all you need to do to phase back, we need to tell Jake anyway- Him

I thought of the way it felt me bones were breaking and imagined then being glued back together and then I was standing there, fully clothed, next to a butt naked Paul. Wow he's hot. He looks up at me, then at my clothes,"Well, that's not fair, our clothes shred and she gets them all back!" Was his words.

I burst out laughing, his face brightened up with a huge grin that would thaw a frozen heart (little Frozen reference there! hehe). Jake notice our little exchange, then exclaimed,"We are talking about this tomorrow!" Eyeing us both,"But first, Sam wants to speak to you, and he's gonna wanna hear about your clothes." He directed the last part at me.

"What we waiting for then let's go!" Okay, at first it was pretty weird, turning into a giant wolf and all, but it's actually pretty damn awesome!

We walk over to the petite, red house, trotting up the obviously handmade wooden ramp, wonder why they need that? The door at the top opens up to a, small but homely, kitchen. Then through on to the living room, which has 3 large couches and a huge plasma scream T.V. I take it the pack hangs out here a lot, because of the DVD 's and video games stacked by the side.

Sitting on one of the couches was a man I recognize as my Alpha; Sam."Sit." Was all he said.

WHAT! Okay maybe I'm a wolf but I'm not some dog who you could boss around! I felt my whole body shake, but somebody put their hand on my should and it degraded a little."Paul! She maybe your imprint but she could still hurt you! Get off her!" What does Jake mean. I could hurt him? He's the only thing that could calm me down. The shaking finally stopped.

"Lyla two things! One: how did Paul calm you down so fast and two: why'd you freak out?" Sam isn't really liking that then, someone not following his orders.

"Sam, he calmed me down by a touch, I don't know how that's possible, I've only been a wolf for what? 5 minutes?"

That's where Jake cut in,"Actually it's been 1 hour you stared at Paul for, like, 55 minutes!" I wish I could wipe that smug smirk of his face.

"And the freaking out part, well I don't like people telling me what to do! I may be a wolf but I'm not a dog!" I said. He looks shocked to say the least.

"Yep definitely Alpha blood, I don't know how she can make Alpha commands while I'm still in charge but it is her rightful place, so if she wishes I will step down." My turn to be shocked. My body is saying to take it, or is it my wolf? Oh well. But my mind is saying to wait, learn the ropes. Better to know how to swim before diving right?

I look up to see very hopeful faces looking back at me, oh how long was I thinking? "I should learn before jumping into things right? If your willing to teach me Sam, I'll learn from you, then when I've mastered it I will take my place." I must've said the right thing from the relieved look on their faces, I'm glad all I live for now is them, my pack, my brothers. They will be for now and ever more my number one priority. I live to lead them, I realise that now, and I'm never going to let them down, ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2016 ⏰

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