A close call with a rose bush.

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Through out the day the symptoms got worse, in English he almost couldn't think at all because of the tickle at the back of his throat. By the end of math, his lungs hurt from the effort to breath past the thing in his throat. Bakugou lasted until lunch before He need to cough. At first he figured he could hold it, taking a drink to try and wash the feeling down his throat, But ended up just choking. Sputtering and trying to catch a breathe Bakugou felt his whole body shake hard as he dropped the cup on the ground, spilling water all over himself. " Ahh fu-" Another cough racked his body. Jesus fuck this was bad. He couldn't breath, he was choking. He try'd to lean forward but the coughing blocked by whatever the fuck this nonsense is was strangling him. 

His stomach cramped from the force of the coughes and Bakugou felt a hand land frimly on his back dislodging what ever- The fucking flower petals. There was no point saying they where anything else because Bakugou could taste the flowery perfume as he gain control of himself again. And took off towards the bathroom. He made it to the trashcans just outside the cafe when he couldn't keep the flower petals in his mouth anymore. He braced himself over the side and opened his mouth. Five petals.




Had almost fucking killed him. 

"Holy Sheep man are you alright?" A high pitched voice said from behind him. 

And The fucking broccoli was talking- How long had he been choking?

" Fuck off Veggie tray" Bakugou growled, He was not in the mood to deal with Deku when he was healthy nevermind when he was hunched over a trashcan staring at five pink soaking petals. this was fucking embrassing as it was never mind that loser being witnes to it. 

"Hey Bro, YOu OK?" Kiris voice rang true, Hitting right in the middle of Bakugous chest, making him dry heav one last time before he could stand up.

"Fucking Peachy." Bakugou glared at Deku, who turned tail and ran almost emidetly.

" Are you Really ok?" Panda eyes asked joining kirishima.

" damn food here is shit." Bakugou said, hoping they'd just except the joke and leave it be.

" Maybe you can like make us all breakfast?" pika asked and earned a sharp cuff on the back of his head from duct tape. "Whaattt?" 

" Oh common its not THAT bad, At least this foods dead!" Panda smiled,

"Yeah at our middle school we watched the meatloaf crawl an inch" Pika shivered dramatically.

" Do you remember the Rice?" Flextape added. 

" God no Please!" Panda pretended to faint leaning heavily on Kiris shoulder. BAkugou could almost smiled, These people, Idiots, Cared fort him. They where total dumbasses but they cared. 

Finally Iida stepped out of the room, " Bakugou.As your class presdient I request you Visit Recovery girl to insure you are fully recovered."

" Fuck off, Im fine." Bakugou pulled himself up ignoreing how sore he was. 

"I insist-"

" I AM FUCKING Fine."  

" That langue is innapproatie for school, Please refr-" He was cut off by Bakugou brushing past him to go back into the lunch room. 

He felt a hand tap his shoulder, What now? " Hey uhh... Bro? You sure your good...?" Kiri asked.

"Nah, But I'm fine now." Bakugou shrugged off the hand wishing he hadn't becuase as soon as he did the pain was back. At this rate Bakugou would need to start taking pain killers, or Bakugou though a bit humorously, He could just put a bit of Kiri in a capsule and take one every morning. Jesues how long had he gone without air? And who had helped him?

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