Chapter Five - Candice

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"Sirius... I t-thought you said you w-wanted to stop d-drinking." Candice whispered as her uncle led her into a pub called Leaky Cauldron.

"Don't worry, I mean that. Just wait for it." he reassured.

She looked around cautiously and realised there were witches and wizards everywhere. Not one muggle. Her heart calmed a bit, as she knew Sirius only drank muggle alcohol. They were stronger.
He led his niece out the well known back door; not before giving a nod to the bartender and him replying with a "Good to see you Black."

The back area reminded Sirius of his first time there. A few dirty bins, full of empty bottles and cans and a brick wall to mark it as a dead end to people who have no power to see what lies behind.
Candice nervously swallowed, not knowing if this was some kind of trick her uncle was pulling on her. Sirius just stood in front of the wall and seemed to count the bricks. She was never more concerned for his mental state. Never once did it cross her mind that the wall was an entrance to a world of magic.

Candice stood there, not knowing what to do. Unaware of what was to come.

"Ah there it is!" her uncle exclaimed after what felt like hours.

He tapped a few bricks with his wand and they started to shift.

"Y-you have a wand?" his nieve looked dumbstruck, before the archway even opened.

"Oh yes" he grinned, "Obviously, I am getting a new one for me, as well as you. This was a spare I found lying around this morning."

Candice nodded, and finally looked up, hearing crowds of people's chatter. Her eyes scanned the view in amazement. Sirius bowed and gestured her to step through first.

"Candice, my niece, this, is Diagon Alley."

"W-why am I surprised? W-we live with magic a-after all." she blushed taking a few steps ahead.

"Sorry I was so mysterious. I wanted to show you it the proper way. For your first time." her uncle said as they walked down the crowded street of robed individuals.

Candice dismissively waved her hand, continuing to observe her surroundings. But making sure to stay close and not get lost.

"You see, we could've just apparated in, but I felt like giving you the full experience."

The sincerity of his tone made her stop and hug him - of which her actions were a clear surprise to both of them.

"T-thank you" she whispered, and he nearly fell back in shock, "I c-couldn't have h-had it any other w-way."

After spending half the day searching for the books Candice needed for the year - and Sirius purchasing all the books from the past years to teach her and get her up to the same level as her peers will be; they finally had a moment to sit down.

"T-this is stressful and t-tiring" the girl yawned but couldn't stop smiling.

"Yeah that sure is. But it's exciting isn't it?"

They stared at each other for a moment, then both of them burst into laughter.
Candice was so glad to see her uncle so happy. After everything. And his addiction.
Their laughter died down, but she didn't want to ruin the mood with her negative thinking. So she decided to ask him about his first time here.

"Oh haha. That was a while ago..."

They spent a good few hours talking. Sirius told his niece more than he planned to say. It just came naturally. He told her about his first time at Diagon Alley; meeting James, and the other Marauders; their first ride on the Hogwarts Express; and then some stories from their life at Hogwarts.
To Sirius surprise, his previous positive thoughts on how their school time was so enjoyable and fun with trouble changed. He didn't think anymore that bullying was good. He felt guilty for what they had done to Severus. He wished that one day he would see him again; to apologise.

Candice listened carefully to each story, and couldn't get enough of her uncle's changed self. However, it still crossed her mind that maybe she should stay with him. Just until a while, to make sure he does not go back to alcohol. Also, Severus Snape's character somehow intrigued her.

"I wish I c-could meet him. He sounds l-like a true hero." she tried with a bit of confidence.

"You know, you might actually be able to. I think he still works at Hogwarts. He might be one of your professors." Sirius replied thoughtfully, and appreciated how much kindness his niece carried.

"Aha! Time flies. We need to get you your last two things." he added and stood.

Candice jumped up too. Robes and wands!

The robes they got pretty quickly. The lady was surprisingly sweet, but it was more directed towards Sirius than the girl. He just awkwardly chuckled at every little flirt the robes worker tried. When they ended up out of the shop, he just sighed and said "That was stressful".

Finally, they ended up in Ollivander's, for the part Candice had waited the most for: Wand choosing! Well, the wand chooses the wizard, as her uncle explained.

"Miss Black! Merlin save me. Sirius informed me of your coming but I didn't know you were so.. grown up!" Mr Ollivander came out from between shelves stacked with boxes.

"N-nice to meet you t-too, Sir" Candice replied politely.

The man did not raise an eyebrow nor comment on her stuttering, unlike the robes worker lady. Ollivander just gave her smile, then sorted out Sirius with a new wand.

"Now then. Are you ready to be chosen by your wand?" the gentlemen turned to the patiently waiting girl after a few explosions.

"As r-ready as I'll ever be"

"Hm.. Let's see. How about.." he trailed off picking up a box "No I don't think.. Ah well. It's worth a try"

Mr Ollivander brought an old looking, previously used box, and opened it.

"This Miss Black wa-"

"Where did you get that?" Sirius interrupted him.

Candice looked up at him in concern at his rude tone, then saw his tearful eyes.

"It was returned to me. After his.. Death." the elder quietly spoke.

"I don't think Candice should have that." her uncle shook his head, "Bad luck." he added.

Mr Ollivander nodded and was about to put the lid back on when the girl stopped him.
Candice could feel, sense the wand's energy. Calling to her. For her to touch it.
She picked it up, and it felt like something inside her has been completed. A sudden sense of calmness filled her as she flicked her wrist and created a butterfly out of the dust on the shelves.

"It was your father's." Sirius eventually said after the butterfly disappeared.

"Like father, like daughter." Mr Ollivander added with glistening eyes, "He performed the exact same spell on the dust. He said it was to bring a little joy into my dark place."

To be honest, Candice had no idea how she made that butterfly, but it definitely created a whirl of emotions in the room.

Her father's wand.

It chose her.

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