Chapter Twenty-Five - Candice

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The shiny bucket vanished and her dark brunette hair fell back over her shoulders as Snape stepped away. Candice had the chance to look around to find herself in the Headmaster's office. When she caught the amused twinkling eyes of the Headmaster himself, she quickly stood and brushed out her clothes.

"My apologies dear. Keely was rather distraught over your wellbeing and seemingly thought it would be easier if she apparated you here." Dumbledore spoke and gestured her to have a seat.

The girl took a seat in the chair next to where her Head of House was seated. The hairs stood up on her bare arms as she readied herself for what was to come. Her mind just clicked that she was called to the Headmaster and she tried to recall if skipping lessons or any of her behaviour meant expulsion. Her breathing halted at the thought of going back to her uncle and his rage if she does get kicked out. What if he starts drinking again?

"Miss Black." Snape addressed her relatively calmly, "We have no intention of escorting you off grounds. Not in the foreseeable future at least."

Candice swallowed, and nodded. Despite his comforting words, she couldn't help but be afraid of the man next to her, as she could feel anger radiating off him. He wasn't under an influence, yet she wondered if he ever lost control and...

"You are safe here, Miss Black. Noone is going cause harm to yourself."

Unsurely, the Slytherin took a glimpse at the Potions Master, who was staring at her intently. With her eyes back on her hands which were shaking, she heard as the Headmaster kindly asked the dark man to leave. The professor hesitated beside her then walked out. She immediately felt at ease, yet she didn't understand why she feared Snape so much.

"Candice. I understand you have left your fourth class without permission." Dumbledore started slowly, "While I do not approve of such a mishap, nor you missing your lesson after; Mr Penmark has been to see me about the incident and I do not blame you."

The girl gasped, not knowing what to say. She didn't think Dais would admit to anything. Not with his free will anyway.

"Mr Penmark has also informed me of an incident that occurred several nights ago. He has been told that such behaviour is not acceptable in our school and I personally have taken care of his punishment."

"H-he isn't expelled, is h-he?"

"No. But he has been given two warnings. Should he receive a third warning, his expulsion will be immediate and up to no debate."

"I u-understand, sir."

"As for other matters, Professor Snape-"

The girl went still, which Dumbledore observed with a sorrowful look.

"- and I had a long chat about yourself. He has told me that you do not appear at mealtimes, and hardly feed at all. May I ask why?"

Candice considered for a moment, then decided that it is worth a shot to tell the truth. Stuttering through her sentences, she managed to get across the point that she had not much availability to food in her life and so she isn't used to eating much. Of course, she left her uncle out of the story, which the Headmaster immediately picked upon.

"Your uncle has plenty of money, if I shall say. Have you not been able to adjust at your time with him?" he asked carefully.

The Slytherin stayed silent and looked away. She knew where this conversation was going, and she did not wish to carry it on. Snape likely mentioned her flashback on the train too. She cursed the Potions Master for interfering with something that does not concerns him whatsoever.

"Candice, I'm here to help. I understand if don't wish to talk about it, but I cannot help if you don't tell me the full story."

"I d-don't need your h-help, sir." she stated.

"As you wish." Dumbledore sighed, "I am still here if you change your mind. I apologise for my absence in the previous months. I have actually been in Australia."

Her eyes snapped back to his blue ones in curiosity.


"Yes. As you've told me, that's where you grew up?" the girl nodded, "I regret to inform you that there has been some trouble there since you have left. Oh, but I do not wish to worry you! Back to where we were..."

Although he tried to revert the conversation back to his original one, the Headmaster saw Candice drift away into her thoughts. Troubles? Whatever could he mean by that? She wondered, and images of deatheaters came into her mind. She remembers one particular time event - after her father's death and during her mother's illness - when she stumbled upon a group of masked individuals torturing villagers for fun. Candice herself was hiding under a market stall, preparing to steal whatever edible substance she could when the dark men appeared and sparsed the crowd. She was going to run back to her mother, yet she was too late and had to stay hidden until the men left. She had to watch as a family (parents and their three children) screamed under the Cruciatus curse, along side the physical beating. Candice shuddered as guilt filled her again, just like her six year old self at the time. She could have stepped in. Perhaps she could have traded herself for the freedom of one of the children.

"Candice?" her eyes cleared at the voice and she was back in the Headmaster's office.

Dumbledore was crouched next to her, his fragile hands on her own. His face held no emotion and she knew he watched her memory too.

"Sorry, sir."

"No it's not your fault. Do you have more memories like what I just witnessed?"

She shook her head, he patted her arm and he walked back to his seat.

"Back to yourself, I hate to cause you discomfort, but from now on: you must attend every meal." he held up a hand to stop her protests, "I'm sorry Candice. Your presence is necessary."

"Yes sir." she mumbled.

"That was the declaration you were supposed to take lightly." he joked to which she glared, "Very Slytherin of you." he chuckled.

"W-what else?"

"Oh yes. I am also requesting that you report to Professor Snape every morning for a nutrition potion." he looked away, already knowing her reaction.

"I d-doubt Professor Snape would like t-that."

"It was his idea to begin with."

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