Hey there dear, I hope that if you just woke up you had sweet dreams and a good sleep. If you are going to bed and reading this first, only the best dreams is what I wish for you.
The reason I will be writing for you is to show you kindness. Sadly in this world many people don't even know what kindness means anymore.. I bet most don't even remember what a real friend is so let me be one for you. A real friend is someone that will never bring you down, that will always listen to your problems without judging you and they'll try to help. In fact, nobody should judge you, because no matter what your gender is, or your sexuality or the color of your skin, or whatever your religion is, you count. And if you don't believe it I'll give you a reason to believe in it. We are all humans we all have blood in our veins and a heart that beats. Therefor judging or putting others down is pointless.
We are all humans we all count and we are all important for this planet. Because I'll tell you our planet isn't doing great... if you are sighing and saying "what can I do? I'm nobody.." you're wrong! When all these old politicians are dead the ones left will be us, the teenagers therefor we can all work together to save our only home.. am I talking about all the plastic in the ocean? No! We can't change the appearance of the earth until we change its soul and guess what we are the soul! As long as we don't work together nothing will change! So what can you do you ask? Well show kindness. It's something rare and precious that can make someone's day. If you see someone eating alone at lunch today, walk up to them give them a friendly smile and ask if you can sit with them or if they want to sit with you. If you see a old lady having trouble carrying her groceries, help her. Trust me it'll make her day. If we all show kindness to each other we can change the fate of our planet, together.
I also want you to look into a mirror right now and name at least 3 things you like about yourself. Because guess what? You're beautiful and I promise one day you'll see it too. You matter, you count the world needs you it's only together that we can change this mess. You may feel like you don't belong, bad things might be happening in your life right now, but take it from someone with quite some experience: things will get better eventually be patient love I promise staying with us is worth it 💙
Keep Smiling Beautiful
AlteleI want to achieve a few things with this. 1: I want to address the topics that nobody really talks about enough. Topics that everyone knows about yet nobody does something about it. 2: I want to a big sister for you. I have quite some experience m...