Monday. October 27, 2014

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Well, my day isn't over but so far it has sucked. I woke up this morning tired as Hell and definitely not wanting to go to school. But I got ready and put a cheesy smile on my face as I headed out to prentend to care about a bunch of people I absolutely hate. Truly there are only two people I don't want to kill in this world. For the sake of their privacy I will call them Andrew and Brianna. I'm hopelessly in love with Andrew and Brianna is my best friend. Andrew is a very very long story that I will explain one day but not now. Anyways I am currently sitting in Reading class typing this hoping that it will entertain any of you. My life is a living Hell but not as bad as some people I know. Basically today Brianna told me she self harmed which naturally made me very upset. I used to self harm but have stopped because it doesn't bring the relief that it used to. I get others to hurt me instead. For instance I play punchees (and idiotic game seeing who can be punched in the arm more times before giving up) and I tell people I think bruises are pretty which for some reason makes them want to hit me. So I guess you could say I am a masochist but I'm also a sadist. I love love love biting people. Seeing the marks I give then and seeing them squirm while my teeth grip harder and harder on their skin, gives me a rush. So yeahhh. I rambled on today I apologize this is just my opportunity to tell you a bit about myself.

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