Why do I hold on to poison?
I’ve held this poison deep inside me for years…
It’s become my worst fear.
To lose…or is it to remove…?
This one person that I’ve held close to my heart for years…
has turned into the creature that mocks my tears.
To lose…or is it to remove…?
“Remove the poison! Get rid of her!” My loved ones urge.
“I’ll do it soon…” I lie.
“Do it now!” They know I’d never stand up on my own…
Pitiful…isn’t it?
“She thinks only of herself! Betrayal…lies…hurtful words…why do you hold onto her? She’s poison!”
Why? Why do I hold on to poison?
Even though she may be poison…she’s the only person that hasn’t casted me aside…forgotten me…after high school…she still talks to me. If I let her go…I’ll be alone.
“What about coworkers? Aren’t they your friends?”
Only a select few…
“Wouldn’t you have four quarters than one hundred pennies?”
It would be less weight to carry around…
“Don’t be that damsel in distress! Get rid of the poison yourself!”
How do I start?
“Start by denying her favors, ignore her birthdays, and holidays…just like she ignored yours.”
Baby steps…baby steps…