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''So where is Starflight?'' Fatespeaker asked. 

''Mastermind offered to drop him. '' Clay replied.

''Mastermind? The science teacher?''

''Who else you know is named 'Mastermind'?'' Tsunami interrupted. 

''Well there was...'' Fatespeaker started but the glares from everyone else shut her up. 

After some time: 

''But why is the science teacher offering to drop him?''

''One : The science teacher is HIS DAD. And Two: I can't believe you didn't know, with you stalking him and all.'' the blue haired girl replied, turning to look at her from the front seat. A huge grin plastered on her face. 

''I am not STALKING him'' Fatespeaker said indignantly. 

''Ya, she is not 'stalking' him Tsunami.'' Glory cut in. ''Anyways, stalking is Deathbringer's thing.'' As soon as she said it, she regretted mentioning him. 

Tsunami wriggled her eyebrows at her, ''That brings me to my second point: What's up between you and Mr. 'Assassin'?'' 

A few years ago there had been a rumour that the new kid, Deathbringer, was actually an assassin. The rumour had freaked out the whole school, including few of the teachers. Glory was the one who had put a stop to this. Since then Deathbringer decided he would 'protect' Glory from the misery of high school. And when he was in an especially cheeky mood he would even address  her as ''Your majesty/highness.''

''I am going to answer that....right after you tell all of us when you and Riptide are getting together.'' 

That shut her up.

A few minutes passed before they heard a scraping-sliding sound. Sunny, who was sitting at in the back seat, jumped as Peril opened the small window at the back of the car...from the outside. 

Why she was in the trailer, no one knew. Especially since there was plenty of space inside the car. 

''Ummm.... guys?'' She said, her voice slightly distorted from the wind. ''I think we are here.''

Everyone turned to see a huge building on their right. It had 'PHYRRIA HIGH' stuck over it in huge capital letters that tsunami bet could be seen from even Pantala, their neighbouring city. The building towered over them as they crossed it. 

''Clay?'' asked sunny. ''I think you were supposed to turn there.'' The little blonde girl pointed out, while gesturing with her phone at the cut they had just crossed.

''Was I?'' The brown haired boy leaned back to look at the rear view mirror. ''Yup. I was.'' 

''GAAAHHH Clay. I swear if we are late...''Tsunami threatened.

''Don't worry. We will turn on the next one.''  

''Do you have everything?''




''Geometry box?''




''Extra change?''

''Yes ''

''Then lets go what are you waiting for?!'' Mastermind called as he opened the door.

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