Authors note.

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Well hello again. Thank you for all the support on my last book. I hope you all enjoy this one as well.

I write because well, I just enjoy it. I enjoy letting the characters grow and the story form based on those characters. I won’t ever have a set update schedule but I will always try to never let it go for too long. I am working on this as we speak so sometimes the progress may be slower depending on how it goes.

You will see some old faces from Minor Adventure, but you will also meet some new ones. Some of our old characters will start to become less important to the story as it goes on while some of them will become more important.

Unlike before, I am going to be asking a whole lot more input from the readers. I want to know what you guys want to see from some of the characters.

Some knowledge about shifters in my story:

Shifters turn when they turn 16. There are no fate mates, but choice mates. Alphas are chosen by one of two ways: by challenge or by being appointed as a successor. Alpha females are chosen by the Alpha but have to be approved of by the council. In this pack, shifters can only mark and mate with the consent of a guardian if they are under 18. They can mark and mate as early as 16 upon their first shift. Males can forcibly claim unmated females as long as they are of age.

Anything I left out or you have questions on, please free to ask. But for now,




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