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*Frank's P.O.V.*

I stayed in the room until Gee fell asleep. He was beautiful.

The phone rang. I sighed and got up off the bed. I didn't want to leave him in the room all by himself but I had to.

"I'll be right back, darling." I promised his motionless frame. I leaned down and kissed his temple.

I ran down the stair, picking up the phone just in time.


"Hey Frank! It's Ray."

"Oh hey! What's up?"

"I just picked up Mikey. Are we okay to come over for a bit?"

"Uh- yeah. You should be."

"Great! We'll see you soon."

"Alright. Bye." I hung up.

I went back to Gerard, who was still sleeping. "I know you're not perfect. But you really are. You're all I ever wanted, Gee. And if I didn't have you, my life would be boring. There would be no coming home wondering what's going to happen, no feelings that make it seem like I'm on a roller coaster. There would be no you. I will protect you from whatever thoughts cross your mind, Gerard. I promise." I said, knowing he couldn't hear me.

A couple knocks were placed on the front door and echoed down every hall and into every room. I went to answer it.

"Hey guys."

"Hey Frank!"

"Okay. I only ask that you keep it down. Gerard's asleep."

"You got him to sleep?" Mikey was surprised at that.

"Not exactly the way you're thinking, but yes, I got him to sleep." I said, "Coffee?"

"Please?!" Mikey begged.

"No, I'm good." Ray walked into the living room as Mikey and I went to the kitchen.

"So, how is he?" He asked.

"A little better. Not by much, though. He- uh- he stopped taking those sleeping pills."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah, he didn't want to hurt me again."

Mikey nodded in agreement. "So did you do it yet?"

"Do what?"

"You know."

I looked at him with a puzzled face. He held up his left hand, "Propose, dude! Did you propose yet?"

"Ah, yeah, no. Funny story about that."

"I'm listening."

"It's Gee's news. I'll let him tell you."

He rolled his eyes. "Fine."

The coffee pot beeped, letting us know it was done. I poured two cups.

I handed one to Mikey. "Thanks." He said, then walked to the living room with it.

I stayed in the kitchen for a little longer, sipping at my coffee.

"Frank!" I heard my name called from upstairs.

I knew he wasn't going to sleep long. I set my coffee down, making my way up the stairs.

"FRANK!" He scream got louder.

I opened the bedroom door. "I'm here, baby, I'm here." I said, going over to the bed and sitting next to Gerard. But he wasn't awake.

He kept screaming my name and shaking under the covers. He trembled and he was sweating.

"Baby, wake up." I said, shaking him a bit.

He didn't wake, he only screamed louder.

"What's wrong with him?!" Mikey asked.

I turned to see him and Ray standing in the door staring at Gerard and I.

"I don't know!"

"Is he on anything?"

"No." I brought my attention back on Gerard. "Wake up!"

Tears started falling from his eyes. He continued to scream.

He was having a breakdown in his sleep. And this time, I couldn't calm him down.

Mikey, Ray and I couldn't do anything. We had to wait for the breakdown to stop, wait for him to relax and then wake him.

The way he screamed, the way he hit the mattress, the way cried, the way he screamed my name; it was too much for me to take. I ran out of the room crying, soon followed by Ray.

"Frank?" He said.

"I can't! I can't do it, I can't do this anymore!"

"What do you mean? Yes you can. You love him."

"I can't handle it! It's killing me to see him this way!" I could here Gee screaming in the background and it made me cry harder.

"No, Frank, you can do this. I have faith in you. Gerard believes you can save his life! He's said it, time and time again. Come on, Frank! You can save him!"

I calmed myself, thinking of Ray's words. "I can do this!" I thought.

I nodded at Ray and went back in the room, sitting next to Gerard, holding his hand tightly. Ray and Mikey leaving me alone with him.


45 minutes passed by before the breakdown stopped, another 30 and he finally woke up.

I smiled down at him. "Hey!"

He didn't say anything, just shivered.

"You cold?" I asked.

He nodded.

I got up and went to the closet, pulling out one of his hoodies and walked back to him. He sat up, letting me put the hoodie on him, then laid back down. He turned over on his other side so I couldn't see his face.

"Gee, you okay?"

He nodded.

"I think You need to go back to Dr. Smith."

He shot up after I said that. "No! Please no! You know I hate it there! Please don't make me go back?!" He begged.

"I'm sorry. You have to. I've scheduled an appointment for you tomorrow morning."

He glared at me.

"Gee, honey, it'll help."

He shook his head and laid back down on his other side.

I knew he hated me for this but he has to go. And, as Mikey once told me, I needed to stop giving into him. Which, let me tell you right now, was not going to be very easy for me and/or Gerard.

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