Chapter 3

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The next morning, Sydney stepped into the band room clutching her Fox model oboe in hand. She looked around, trying to spot Eric. She was hoping to get a chance to talk to him before first period started. How will she be able to focus in class with Eric swarming her thoughts? He was like a buzzing bee flying through her head.

Feeling disappointed, Sydney turns around to leave the band room when the door suddenly starts to open. Instantly, Sydney reaches up to fix her hair and makeup, thinking that she was about to see her beloved Eric. But when the door swung open all the way, she realized that she was face to face with none other than Zach!

"AH," Sydney screams. "Ah ha. I was expecting someone else." She backs away from the door to let Zach through.

Zach looks at Sydney as he walks by her. "Sorry," he says. "Didn't mean to disappoint."

Sydney instantly feels guilty for what she said. "I didn't mean it like that. I'm always glad to see you. I just was looking to talk to Eric."

Zach becomes visibly tense at the mention of Eric's name. "Ugh. Why would you ever want to talk to such a jerk voluntarily." Zach sat down in a chair to finish his APUSH summer project, that was well past the due date (it is currently May).

"Jeez. What has Eric ever done to you?'

Zach stops and ponders this question for a moment. "I think a better question would be 'What hasn't Eric done to me?'" Zach pushes his nose into his APUSH textbook, clearly dismissing the conversation. Sydney starts to walk away, and she could hear a faint sniffing noise coming from Zach as she exited the room.

Sydney walked out of her third period class with an aching heart. She had hoped to see Eric in her AP Comp class, which they had during third period together. Eric was not present today. Maybe he's sick, Sydney thought. I should text him later and check up on him.

As she walked through the hallway to her fourth period class, she looked around. She noticed Rachel passing by and gave her a small smile. Then, she glanced further down the hall and spotted Zach coming towards her. Crap. Two times in one day?

As he approaches, her heart Tate began to pick up and she wasn't quite sure why.As soon as she was within ear shot of him, she opened her mouth to say something...but no words came out. Zach said something to her, but she couldn't quite make it out over the other commotion in the hallway.

"What?" she asks. "I didn't quite catch that." She realizes that she was speaking in a higher pitched, overly-friendly voice all of a sudden.

"'re in my way." Zach points to the locker behind her and awkwardly scoots around where she stood. And just like that, the exchange was over. Sydney thought about it during fourth period. Wow. He really does have a way with words.

Sydney was walking to her eighth period class when suddenly, she spotted him: Zach was striding towards her once again for the second time that Tuesday. It really is a circle cheese kind of day, she thinks. Her heart rate starts to quicken again, and her palms began to sweat. He started to get closer and closer to her, and she realized that she had no idea what she was going to say to him. Should she say hi? Hello, maybe? Dare she even think, howdy? No, howdy was too personal for a hallway altercation.

Suddenly, Zach was right next to her. She could smell the cheeto dust and wet paper on his breath. And just as suddenly as he appeared, he vanished. Sydney started to think about all of these sudden encounters with Zach so much, that Eric was all but forgotten.

To be continued in Chapter 4...

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