chapter 6

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Onahi's pov
It was like a song playing in my head. He looked so beautiful up close I couldn't stop staring. The way his eyes seemed to glisten or the way his lips reminded me of the rose I saw in-

" Could I please have a pen?" He asked looking at me weirdly. Oh prick, how long was I staring. " Oh, umm, yh sure. I will give you a pen.
I rummaged through my bag..... where the fudge did I drop my extra pen, ughhhh where is it. With a sigh I looked back " I'm sorry, I don't have one" then I noticed that he was already writing. Huh, he must have already gotten one, then why didn't he just tell me instead of making me go through the stress.

I turned back facing the board feeling a little furious because of his rude behaviour I mean he could have just told me he found a pen like it shouldn't be that hard to show decency. Where I come from, you have to like it's mandatory if not, you get canned....but this handsome, fingerlicking, drool worthy, sex god couldn't even do--- ( riiiiiiinnnngggggggg) oh shit the class is over and I didn't even understand what was being thought. Oh noo, what am I going to do.

I quickly packed my things and was about to leave the class when- " Miss damichi please can I see you" the teacher said. Why now jeez. I went to the teachers desk and he handed me a few work sheets to help me study. I muttered a thank you and left quickly.

By the end of school, news got out that a new student from Africa just transferred into the school. I AM THE NEW STUDENT FROM AFRICA!!!!. I got a lot of weird looks today like it was their first time seeing an African student. I am proud thank you very much. I was soo happy when I heard the bell signifying the end of the last class for the day because I was already exhausted. Who knew being ME could be soo stressful.

I walked out of the school hoping to find my cousin when a car drove past me, almost hitting me. " Hey, watch out!!" I shouted, knowing fully well they couldn't hear me. Control yourself onahi, you don't want them to think you are crazy I said trying to give myself a pep talk. My cousin pulled up minutes after and took me home.

Immediately I got home, I went to my room and sat down on my bed. I just stared at the wall and suddenly- I was laughing uncontrollably. I couldn't stop. I know you might be wondering why but I always dreamt of the perfect high school experience like the one in high school musical. I guess that is not happening. I got up from my bed and began to get ready for dinner. Back at home, things weren't this hard. I really miss Nigeria

Tomorrow is another day and I'm going to make sure it's better that today. I'm going to show them that I have COME.

I know it's a really short chapter but I had to force myself to update again. I am promising longer ones tho.😁 Don't forget to vote .

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