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if i am a human

and you are a human

why are we humans?

what makes us humans?

our humanity?

a concept within society.

our strength?

pales in light of beasts

our wit? our name?

is what makes us who we are.

if i am a human

and you are a human

then one day, will there be a day

where i am not a human

and you are not a human

and what makes us humans,

takes away from our humanity?

where what makes us humans

is no longer a concept within society

and now is but an abstract concept

our strength, gone

yet glowing, in light of beasts

our wit, our name, a day where we have none

is what makes us who we are?

what if one day, i am a human

but more than a human?

and you are a human, but you are more?

where what makes us humans

our humanity

is a concept in our society, but more?

a concept in our society

and in our heads?

what if one day our strength, we have

still pales in light of beasts

is what makes us more than humans

because of it, we have humanity?

if one day, our wit, and our name

makes us more than who we are

where our wit, and our name, are who we are.

today, is the day

a day where, i am a human

and you are a human

and what makes us humans

is a concept in our society, and our minds

though our strength is limited

and it pales, in light of beasts

it is what makes us human

and our wit, and our names

make us who we are

they are who we are

no more, and no less.

Uninspired WriterWhere stories live. Discover now