I got another question by Void161. Thank you for asking by the way. *bows*. So the question is:
Do you watch/read JoJo? If not, would you like to get into it?
To be honest this question had me thinking. Someone asked me same question in real life but I forgot about it so I asked Void to tell me a little bit about it because I was sure I got that question before. I checked the link that is given below Void's bio and remembered it.
To answer your question Void, no I have not watch/read it yet. And yes I would like to get into it after my 12th exam because some of my friends are also recommending me to read/watch that.
I hope I answered well, because I never make any sense of whatever I write 😅.
If anyone have any question in their mind, ask it in comment section and I'll answer it.
Till then.Lucy_heartifilia002 peace out.
Few things about myself!
RandomHey readers!!!! Want to know about me. Then ask me anything I'll answer those questions!!!!! Note: Some fun tags are in there. Be sure to not kill me if you repeatedly get tagged by me~. 😉😂