Chapter eight~

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Chapter by: me

(Y/N)'s PoV

We walk through the familiar path but it's a lot scarier than I remember... the usually lit up walkway is replaced by a sickeningly dark Forrest. She leads me through a dark passage way at the side of the mansion that looked rusted and old. She lights a match and puts it to two lamps and hands me one, "thank you," I rather awkwardly thank her and she gives a small nod. We continue until we meet steep, dangerously old-looking stairs. "You're nervous?" She asks- although it was more of a statement. "" I try to lie but for one, I'm a terrible liar, and two...she's a freaking vampire, she can probably hear my heartbeat. "Mhmm. Well for one you're a terrible liar and two... I'm a freaking vampire, I can definitely hear your heart beat. And three... she can read minds."
"Didn't you hear me you dimwit? I said-"
"I know what you said... I'm just trying to comprehend everything still..."
"Why is it that you humans are so quick to judge?"
"Uhh I-"
"Why is it that you never wait to hear an explanation?"
"I really don't-"
"Why do you all jump to conclusions so eagerly?"
"But I-"
"Why do you all feel the need to-"
"They were rhetorical..."
"Whatever. Just... can we continue?"
She pulls me into a dark corridor and I see cobwebs illuminated by the candlelight. Then she opens and big wooden door and lets me past her. The house looks royal. It is painted red with a myriad of black and red old-looking furniture, not a spec of dust on anything. There are painted portraits of important looking people plastered on various walls, they were wearing old fashioned clothing in which I assume was 1700 onwards. This house was really old. "It was my grand-fathers house. It's been in our possession for centuries. He loved red because it reminded him of a certain substance that comes out of your pretty neck," she traced her finger along my collarbone up to my pulse point. I shiver at the sudden  contact and an evidence of a smirk enters her face. But it goes as soon as it comes. "Now. Guess bedroom is up them stairs on the left. Don't go to the right. Go to the left." I decided against asking why I couldn't go to the right because she was a vampire after all. I walk up the stairs and, to my amazement, there wasn't a single creek- considering that this was standing after centuries, it was pretty impressive. I make a point of saying 'turn left' in a typical GPS voice. I turn left as instructed and I'm greeted by hundreds of doors. 'Oh boy...' I think to myself in despair. "Second door on the right!" She calls as if on cue. Oh right. She's a mind reader isn't she. I open the door and an ocean of cold air hits me in the face. The wind is loud against the trees and it echoes throughout the unnecessarily big room.

This is going to be a rough night.

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