Chapter fourty eight~

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Chapter by: me

(Y/N)'s PoV

I heard a knock on the door unexpectedly. I hadn't planned any visitors so I was a little freaked out. So Heather opened the door instead. "It's just Mac," Heather stated as she let her in.

"Hey guys!" She greater chirpily as she took off her gloves and scarf.

"Hey Mac," we replied trying to return the level of excitement but failing miserably.

"I uh, I did some research!" Me and Heather exchanged a look as she sat down on the sofa.

"Research on what..?" I asked suspiciously. She was acting rather sketchy and I seriously didn't know what she was going to say. I mean it is Mac.

"On you!" She gave a pointed look at Heather then continued "on Vampires!" She grinned contently and twiddled with her thumbs, looking down at her lap. "I'm not sure if they're
true but some are pretty funny!"

"Oh god, like what?" Heather facepalmed as she cringed in anticipation.

"Like Vampires still have their periods!" Mac pauses a little then starts up again. "If they were born a girl..!"

"That is true. I still have my period... unfortunately- Only its heightened." Mac gets the message and makes an "o" shape with her mouth and thinks again.

"Does it... never mind..."

"Does it what?" I ask. I'm totally amused and totally curious to what she's going to say.

"Does it... get awkward when you're on your period, (Y/N)"

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"I mean ya know. Vampires like blood. Heather is a lesbian. Lesbians like-"

"MAC OH MY GOD NO!" Heather screeches as she runs out the room in embarrassment. I laugh as I watch the blur run out the door.

"That... was... hilarious," I tell her between laughs. I could tell by her face she didn't understand what was so funny but still appreciated it so awkwardly laughed with me.

"NO IT WASNT!" I heard Heather shout from our room- ultimately making me laugh more. This was the most I have laughed in a while.

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