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A/N: This story will contain profanity and content that may be inappropriate, offensive or possibly triggering to some readers. I will try to put a warning for the latter, but the profanity will be sprinkled throughout the story. Now, let's get on to the story!


Warning: This chapter contains content that is inappropriate for some readers.

Jihyo's POV

I was walking home after work just as the blanket of night fell over the sky. A smile was on my lips as I looked down at the box of chocolates and a bouquet of flowers that were in my left hand. The chocolates were a bit on the fancy side, but it made sense for the occasion considering that today was Sana and my first anniversary since becoming a couple. The flowers were a combination of daisies, tulips, red roses, and white roses. I chose these flowers based on their meaning of love, purity, chastity, innocence, and loyalty to love.

I wanted to do something more special on our anniversary day, but this will have to do for now since we were both busy with work. I already made plans for us to go eat at a fancy restaurant tomorrow night. We would then take a long walk along the Han river before going home to our shared apartment to enjoy a peaceful rest of the night.

My smile grew wider just thinking about how it would go, "I really hope Sana likes what I have in store for her."

My smile then faltered when I noticed a singular black rose in the bouquet, "What are you doing in here?" I shrugged my shoulders after a moment of pondering before removing the black rose from the bouquet and discarding the black rose on the side of the road.

My feet then came to a halt when I felt a droplet of water fall onto my head. I stuck my right hand out and furrowed my eyebrows. Another droplet of water fell onto my hand, confirming my assumptions.

My smile reformed itself when I realized that it was starting to drizzle. I liked the feeling of drizzle on my skin. It felt cooling and soothing to the touch. I originally hated all forms of rain because of how much of a hassle it was to deal with, but my opinion changed when I met Sana. Some of our best memories together were formed under a sheet of drizzle.

I was instantly snapped out of my daydream when the drizzle started to become light rain. My smile disappeared once again as my legs started to move again. I was once again reminded of the reason why I hated rain in the first place.

Oddly enough, I was letting out sounds of laughter as my walking became a run down the road. Even with the discomfort from my rain-soaked clothes starting to stick to my body, my spirits were still high. All I could think about was what the look on Sana's face will be when I show her the chocolate and flowers I got for her.

My feet stopped in front of the main entrance of the shared apartment I lived in with Sana after a couple of minutes of running. I hunched over and rested my hands on my knees to catch my breath. I could feel myself ready to keel over, but the excitement coursing through my body kept me afloat.

I finally stood back up right after a few moments of heavy breathing. I let out one last deep breath and stared at the front door with my widest smile. This was the apartment that Sana and I agreed to move into together around six months after we started dating. It was the perfect location for the both of us as it was roughly located in the centre between the both of our workplaces. We formed so many memories here together.

I fished my keys out of my purse. I fumbled around with them for a moment before finally inserting them into the lock and opening the door. I removed my keys from the lock, entered the apartment, and closed and locked the door behind me.

My eyebrows furrowed at the silence that I was greeted with. I knew for certain that Sana would be home by now. She would always be up waiting for me and ready to greet me with a kiss whenever I came home from work at night.

My confusion grew as I began to take off my shoes. Sana's shoes were sprawled on either side of the entrance. It was rather strange considering that her shoes were always neatly placed on our shoe rack.

I gathered Sana's shoes and placed our shoes on the shoe rack. I then began to walk into the living room. It was oddly silent considering not only what time it was but the fact that it was a Friday night.

My eyes wandered towards the hallway leading up to our bedroom. Light was radiating from the bottom of the bedroom door. I began to walk towards our bedroom with a smile knowing that Sana must have fallen asleep while waiting for me to come home.

My pace slowed down considerably upon hearing noises coming from the bedroom. It was rather strange considering that it sounded like it was coming from two different people. I could kind of make out Sana's voice, but I was not sure if there was another voice.

I shrugged it off thinking that I was wrong about Sana falling asleep and that she was voice chatting with one of her friends. I have met a few of Sana's friends and am aware that she sometimes talks to them at night before I come home from work. My pace returned to normal as I made my approach to the door.

My body froze the instant my hand landed on the doorknob. I could make out weird sounds coming from within the room. It was clear that Sana was not talking to one of her friends. My heart started to beat rapidly hoping that I was mistaken about the nature of the sounds that were coming from within the room.

I slowly turned the doorknob while preparing myself for the worst. I regretted opening the door the exact moment I saw what was happening in the room. My heart was not prepared to witness Sana making passionate love on our bed with a man that I had never seen before. The sound of their skin slapping against each other resounded through the room as I felt myself ready to burst into tears.

"Ugh! Yes Mark! Right there! Ahhh! Faster! I am almost there!" Sana's moans echoed in my ears.

They were not aware of my presence until I dropped the box of chocolates and the bouquet in my left hand, letting them fall onto the ground unimpeded. Sana pushed the man off of her and sat up on the bed in surprise. Her expression showed shock when she realized that I had witnessed the sins that she had committed with the man.

Sana quickly jumped out of bed and started getting dressed again. I ran out of the room when she was only half dressed. Sana's calls for me to wait for her so that she could explain everything followed behind me. I ignored her calls and quickly put my shoes on before dashing out of the apartment.

I ran half a block before realizing that tears were streaming from my eyes; that my heart was broken into a million pieces; that I was numb yet in pain at the same time; that the one person I loved the most in this world had betrayed me; and that my world had ended.

All I could do was continue running. My heart and mind were a complete mess. There was no reason for me to stop running but there was also no reason for me to continue running. Nothing was making any sense anymore as the world around me became a blur. It all felt like I was trying to run away from the endless despair that were my emotions.

The world decided to be ironic when I suddenly slipped and fell on a puddle that had formed from the previous rain. The light rain had transitioned into a heavy shower during the time I was aimlessly running. I got on my knees and slammed my fists into the ground which caused my fists to start bleeding and radiating with pain. I could not feel the pain coming from my fists as I was letting out all of my emotions in a cry of sorrow. I stayed like this for who knows how long as the rain drowned out my current sad excuse of an existence.

"What did I do to deserve this?! Do I not deserve HAPPINESS?! DO I NOT DESERVE LOVE?!"


A/N: Hello everyone! Welcome to the Prologue of my new fanfic! As you can probably tell from the title and synopsis, this will be a JiTzu x SaHyo fanfic. I am writing this as voted upon in my other fanfic "Missing Memories". Updates for this will probably come out after I finish my other fanfic, but who knows what will happen. Anyways, until next time, thank you for the support!

P.S. Please let me know if you prefer this style of writing as I will probably play around with perspectives for this story.

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