Chapter 20

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Saturday Afternoon

Tzuyu's POV

I woke up just a bit past noon. Jihyo-unnie didn't stay awake last night waiting for me to come home like she has been doing recently on the nights when I went to work at the factory. Speaking of Jihyo-unnie, I am just under halfway of my funding goal to take Jihyo-unnie on a trip to Paris, and I am really looking forward to seeing Jihyo-unnie's face when I take her.

I got out of bed and instantly felt exhaustion hit me. I know I shouldn't work such a heavy hitting job as I have poor health, but it was the only job I could find with the pay I need to meet my goal and could fit into my schedule. Every time I feel tired, I just think of Jihyo-unnie, and my exhaustion suddenly disappears.

I did my "morning" routine and walked out into the living room to find no one. I turned around and saw that Jihyo-unnie's door was closed. She must be exhausted or something as she would normally be awake by now. I made a quick lunch for the both of us. I ate my lunch by myself before grabbing my camera gear and heading off to complete my freelancing photography work.

I am a bit concerned about Jihyo-unnie though. It seems like she has been a bit distant, but I could just be imagining things. Either way, so long as Jihyo-unnie is happy and healthy, not much else matters right now; I mean, except for making money to bring Jihyo-unnie to Paris of course.

Sunday: Around 2:00 A.M

Jihyo's POV

After reading the letters on Friday night, I decided to go to sleep instead of waiting for Tzuyu to come home. I also didn't wake up until a little bit past 1:00 P.M yesterday because I felt so exhausted for some reason. I kind of feel bad for both things because Tzuyu looked happy when she saw me waiting for her and she made lunch for me yesterday.

I was reading a book on the couch when I heard the door open. I jumped up from the couch, dropped my book on the couch, and rushed to the entrance to see Tzuyu taking off her shoes. Tzuyu looked up at me and gave me a smile, but I could see the bruises that were covering her body and a new cut on the cheek opposite to the cut that she got last weekend.

I rushed up to Tzuyu, grabbed her arm, dragged her to the dining room, and made her sit down on a chair, "STAY! I am going to get the first-aid kit to treat that cut!"

I rushed off to the washroom to grab the first-aid kit and came back to Tzuyu, "How did you even get this wound? Are you going to lie again and tell me that you got into a fight?" I asked, anger in my voice while setting down the first-aid kit.

Tzuyu gulped, "I... Got in---" I interrupted her.

"If you aren't going to tell me the truth then don't tell me lies," I scoffed.

Tzuyu nodded her head with a sad smile. I let out a sigh before pulling out the materials that I needed from the first-aid kit. I held Tzuyu by her chin so that she wouldn't move and applied an alcohol wipe on Tzuyu's cut. Tzuyu flinched from the alcohol wipe, and I had to hold her chin slightly harder so that she wouldn't move. I let go of Tzuyu's cheek and applied a band-aid on her cut before cleaning up.

"Thank you, Jihyo-unnie," Tzuyu thanked me with a happy tone in her voice.

"Don't worry about it," I replied with a small smile.

"Let me help you clean up," Tzuyu said as she tried reaching for the first-aid kit.

I smacked Tzuyu's hand away, "No, don't worry about it. Go to sleep, I can see exhaustion written all over your face."

"Oh..." Tzuyu whispered with a small smile, "Okay, thank you again."

Tzuyu then went off to the washroom to do her night routine before going to sleep. I finished cleaning up the first-aid kit and put it back into the washroom. I went back to the living room to pick up my book from the couch. I started walking back to my room but stopped in front of Tzuyu's room and stared at the closed door.

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