Chapter 1: I Can't Let Shige-nii Know

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Mayu Suzumoto's P.O.V

I screech and scream as my face is ran along the hard, uneven floor. I can see Ayumi-chan and Kishinuma-kun watching in horror as I was being dragged along the ground. My face was now numb with pain. Yuki-chan... Tokiko-chan... Why? I felt bad for you... Why were you killing me?! Shige-nii... NO! I WANT TO STAY WITH SHIGE-NII!

The thought of my dear Shige-nii made me smile, the pain leaving. I no longer cared that I was dying, I just cared that I could still think about Shige-nii during the time of my death.  I will miss you, Shige-nii... Please survive... I giggle, which makes Yuki-chan and Tokiko-chan stop for a second.

"Hey, Shige-nii... I'm dead..." I laugh, not caring for anything anymore. Ayumi-chan reached a hand out to me, but Kishinuma-kun told her something I couldn't hear, and she looked away. She buried her face into his chest, and I heard her sobs. Take care of her for me, Kishinuma-kun.

Everything has gone in slow-motion, because I look to the wall behind me...

And there I was, splattered, dead. And it hit me.

I let out a bloodcurdling yell, Kishinuma-kun was staring, eyes wide with disgust and terror. He couldn't see me... All he could see was my remains. The pain... There was none except for the side of my face. It had happened too fast. The sting in the  side of my face seemed to get worse every minute, as if I was still being dragged across the floor. I saw my blood, and I almost vomited.

Ayumi-chan uncovered her eyes, and walked, following the trail of blood. She didn't look up.

"Shinozaki! Don't look!" Kishinuma-kun begged, grabbing at her arm. She turned to face him, tears running down her face.

"I heard, Kishinuma-kun... I know what happened. I want to say goodbye to Mayu-chan, even if it requires seeing her corpse and possibly making me crazy." She whispered. He nodded, and let her go, but followed a few paces behind. Happy tears ran down my face. You're in  good hands, Ayumi-chan...

"M-Mayu...chan?" She asked, her voice quivering as she kept her gaze on her feet as she stood in front of the art of my demise.

"I'm listening, Ayumi-chan~" I happily reply, even though I know she can't hear me.

"W-We will come out alive for you, Mayu-chan... I promise. I-I will avenge your death by appeasing the school ghosts. We will save Morishige, too." She vows, and I looked towards my innards. I knew... I knew this would probably make her go insane, but I wanted to tell her something.

Thank you, Ayumi-chan. I wrote, and I looked to Kishinuma-kun. He was staring at the message that to him, probably was just written by nobody in front of his eyes.

She looks up, tears running like a waterfall down her cheeks. She reads the message, and starts to cry uncontrollably and runs off.

"MAYU-CHAN!" She screams.

"S-Shinozaki! Don't go off on your own it's dangerous!" He yells after her. He doesn't notice something that makes my eyes widen. I wouldn't let him die! A tall, zombie looking man with a sledge hammer dragged behind him was moaning and groaning, not at all being quiet. He stopped behind Kishinuma-kun, and raises the hammer... "SHINO--"

I pounce on the man, desperate not to let him die, but since I'm a ghost, I can't do much, but it made the man stagger. The hammer portion of his weapon missed, and Kishinuma-kun turned around, eyes wide with fear. I watch as the attacker using the hilt of the weapon to knock him out, and I couldn't stop it this time.

"I see you're the first of your friends to die, little Suzumoto-san." I heard a whisper that made shivers go down my spine. Was it another ghost? Even though two had just killed me, they probably didn't choose to be this way. They probably got their minds taken over by anger and sadness, and it made them insane.

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