The man who was Russian

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Hey, I'm Helios or you can call me by my actual name Artyom Khiljibor. I'm an Operative for Halcyon currently undergoing the search of Nexus. My friend Black Arrow or also known as Johnson Lucas is also on the search too. -Helios


"Privet (Hello). What've you got for me Agent-1?" Helios spoke into the radio that was attached to his vest. Agent-1's familiar voice was heard. "We need you to go and bring an agent back. About 2 hours ago we sent out a team to go and grab some files off a Phoenix Investor. One of them came back, the other is still with the target but hasn't been captured or ratted out yet. You'll go to Reno and get her from his penthouse." Helios put the radio down for a moment. He then clicked it and picked it up again. "Sure, I'll do it. Never been to Vegas before." "Excellent, I'll have you sent out tomorrow. Get a good night's rest operative." With that, Agent-1 dropped away from the radio.

Artyom woke up with the desire to kill someone. He was in luck as today was the day to go to Reno. He climbed out of his bunk and got his gear on, then made it to the car room to drive out to Vegas.

[ 8:00 AM, RENO, LAS VEGAS ]

"I'm on site." He spoke into the radio with a loud but still quiet voice. "Good, take whatever plan you want. I'll be here to inform you." Agent-1 was sitting in his room in the HQ, checking the police radio and anything else that could be a threat to the plan. Artyom grabbed his Thumper and his MM20, put on his Aegis armour and mask and head into the building.

"FREEZE!" He shouted at the receptionist who panicked and hit the alarm button. Artyom instantly shot her dead with his MM20. He then threw a grenade at the elevator, blowing it up. After that, he made his way to the stairwell. About 5 or 6 levels up Artyom blew up the bottom of the stairwell using his Thumper. "Careful, guards know you're here and First Responders are coming up soon. Followed by SWAT next." Agent-1 was waiting and listening back at the HQ. Within a matter of time, the police showed up to the building via helicopter at the top as they saw that the front entrance was basically blown up. Artyom started spraying bullets at the cops and guards that tried to surround him, knocking them over from the impact of the bullets on their body. His Aegis armour worked well in this situation. Artyom then made it to the top of the penthouse where Ryan and Provolone were at. He caught sight of them both. Ryan grabbed Provolone and darted into his Panic Room, locking the door as he did so. Artyom then ran to the door and took out his Thumper. He stood further back and aimed.

Smoke filled the room as the massive blast door was taken down with two grenades and 3 Thumper shots. Ryan panicked and fumbled for his Raven but was struck down by Provolone after she stabbed his neck. Artyom smiled at her and said, "Name's Helios. That's all you'll get." He passed her a S97 and ran to the Helicopter pad. Provolone followed behind. "Uhm, excuse me. But how are we getting out?" She was confused. "We're taking a helicopter." Artyom began to start up the helicopter and climbed inside the control pit. "C'mon miss! We don't have much time." Provolone carried her dress and ran inside it too. The guards and SWAT units fired at the helicopter but had no use as it was already far away.

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