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Hey everyone. It's me, Weeksjmj29. The last Naruto fanfiction wasnt that great. I'll admit that. Hopefully, this one will be better. I'll update when able. I hope you like it.

Prologue: Dark Birthday

(3rd POV:)

October 10th. For your average person in the Shinobi World, October 10th would be just another normal day. For the people of Konoha, the Village Hidden in the Leaves, it's a day of celebration and remembrance. That is because October 10 was the day that the Kyuubi, the Nine Tailed Fox, attacked the village and it was the day that the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze gave his life to defeat the beast and became a hero in Konoha. A hero they would never forget.

For a five year old boy named Naruto Uzumaki, October 10th was the one day of the year that he dreaded the most. October 10th was his birthday. It was also the day that some of the villagers do their annual fox hunts. For the past 2 years, ever since he was three and was kicked out of the orphanage, they would track young Naruto down and savagely beat and abuse poor Naruto.

Naruto never understood why they would do such bad things. When they don't beat him, they ignore him. When they think he'd not listening, they whisper bad things about. They even denied h service when he tried to get stuff from stores or restaurants. They even threw him out when he walks towards the store. He couldn't understand why they were so cruel.

But other knew. The ones that don't hurt him nor do they help him. For the exception of the Third Hokage and select Shinobi who knew the truth.  Naruto was considered a demon. The second coming of the Nine Tailed Fox. However, he was known as the host of the Kyuubi. The Jinchuuriki of the Nine Tailed Fox. And because of it, the villagers treat him as an outcast.

Naruto didn't deserve it. To be beaten and abused for something he couldn't control. For something that happen on his birthday. That's why he always did his best to remain hidden on his birthday. But it didn't matter
how well hidden he was. They always found him and beat him. And on his fifth birthday, that day was the worst. However, it was also they day that something emerged. Something that changed everything.

(Naruto, still 3rd POV:)

Young Naruto was running as fast as those little legs could take him, desperately trying to find a place, all the while crying his little eyes out. 'Why? Why do they keep doing this? Why do they hurt me?' He thought as he ran through an alley and onto another street. He stopped for a second to catch his breath and to find a place to hide. 'What did I do to deserve this? I didn't do anything today. I was a good kid. So why?!'

He was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard a commotion nearby behind him. He turned around as he heard a villager shout. "There's the demon. Let's get him." Naruto then turned back around ran off again with an angry mob of villagers and Shinobi behind him. Naruto made several turns in hopes of losing them, but every time, an angry villager or bad Shinobi caught sight of him.

It was almost sun down when he found himself in another alley way. Unfortunately for him, it was a dead end. In his desperation, he hid behind a dumpster inside s box that laid next to it. He tried to stifle his breathing and groans as the incoming mob of villagers closed in on his location. He prayed desperately that they wouldn't find him. However, that was also in vane as a Shinobi who could sense him grabbed the poor boy and threw him towards the crowd. "Look at what I have found. A little demon." A villager tool out a knife. "We'll finish what the Fourth Hokage started." Naruto was then kicked by another villager as another cut his leg, causing him scream. "It's the end Demon."

For the next half hour or so, Naruto had to endure cut after cut, punch after lunch and kick after kick. After they were done, he was riddled in bruises and cuts as well as stab wounds. All the while, he still cried, hoping that someone will save him. A lone chuunin stepped forward and took out a kunai. "And now it's time to put an end to this. Die, Demon!" The chuunin then rushed at him with the kunai raised. Naruto then closed his eyes and shouted. "No!" He then waited for the blade to pierce his body, to end his life.

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