Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Emergence

~Three Years Later~

(3rd POV)

The past 3 years have been uneventful, save for our special blonde already making a name for himself. Naruto Uzumaki, also known as the Jinchuuriki of the Nine Tailed Fox, also became known as Konoha's Number One Prankster. Some people cowered at his pranks as others get irritated by them, mainly because of how creative they are.

One time, he set a zapper disguised as a pillow on a chair for Iruka Umino to sit instead of having to stand during Clair. He designed it to stick to whatever touches it. For four hours, everyone could see him running around with a pillow stuck to his nether regions while being shocked every 20 seconds. Of course, as other people found out, getting the zapper pillow off of Iruka was just as hard as when they attempt to take it off, they got stuck and shocked too.  Which led to about four people being stuck to Iruka's behind.

Ever since then, people became very nervous around Naruto. They didn't know if they would become the next victim. However, no one knew the purpose behind the pranks. Well, almost no one.

For a little particularly blonde girl by the name of Ino Yamanaka, a fellow student at the Academy, already figured out the reason behind his pranking. The just hasn't realized how deep it all goes. However, she will find out. For during one particular event on October 10, she experienced something that changed everything.

(Ino's POV, still 3rd POV)

The school bells toll as the school day had ended and all the kids left to go home. Ino was just walking out with her friends Shikamaru and Chouji when Chouji spoke up while eating a potato chip. "So, what are you guys doing today now that classes have ended?" Shikamaru just sighed as he put his arms behind his head and stretched. "Well, I wanted to go cloud watching, but mom wants me to wash the dishes. I said I couldn't and that I was busy, but all she did was hit me on the head and just said that cloud watching isn't being busy. She threaten to hit me in the head again if I didn't. Such a drag."

Ino just sighed at him. "That's what you get for being lazy." Chouji then looked at her. "What about you Ino, are you going to the Kyuubi Festival?" She shook her head. "Nope. I'm going to meet Naruto at the park and hang out." Shikamaru scoffed. "Geez you spend more time with Naruto then anyone else. And Sakura thinks you're her rival in affections for Sasuke. Makes me wonder what goes on inside that head of yours."

She winked before backing up. "And you will never know." She then turned and waved. "See you guys later." She then began walking away. She smiled as she heard the familiar and well known phrase of "troublesome" from Shikamaru as she continued on her way home. When she got there, she saw her mother trimming a small bush that laid near the window.

"Hi Mom. I'm home." Her mother smiled as she looked at her. "How was the academy today?" Ino just shrugged. "You know, the same thing every day. More lectures about the history of Konoha and a few spars." Her mother nodded as she then smirked. "And pray tell, what did Naruto do today?"  Ino smiled as she thought about what happened in class. "Naruto complained about the lectures again. About how useless they are. He even pulled a prank on Iruka-sensei which today was funny."

Ino looked up and saw that a sad expression appeared on her mother's face before it faded just as quickly, a smirk taking its place. "Again? Poor Iruka Umino. He can't seem to get a break. What happened this time?" Ino responded with a slight giggle. "He put a bucket of sugar in a hidden compartment in the ceiling above the desk with a hidden rope attached to he back of the chair. Let's just say that the bugs in the forest around Konoha have become...attached to Iruka-sensei."

Her mother laughed at that. "And the Konoha Prankster strikes again." I o smiled at that. Her mother then turned to her. "What will you do now that you're home?" Ino point to the door. "I'm going to go to the park to see Naruto." Her mother smiled at that. "Have fun then sweetheart. I know that he needs it." Ino raised an eyebrow at that, confused. "What do you mean?"

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2019 ⏰

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