chapter 1

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"Wake the fuck up bitch"

I hear my sister in the other fucking room telling me, me to get up when her ass is probably still in bed her self

I get up take my pillow with me and go into her room. I turned the light on


I say while hitting her over the head with the pillow. I ran out of the room before she could put her hands on me (bc we all now black people)and closed my door as fast as I could and locked that hoe.

I jumped back in bed face first

"This is going to be a long  fucking  day"

I scream in my pillow
                             *few min pass*

I looked under the door to make sure that my sister wasn't there bc a bitch can't get  on a plane for hours and have her kiddy stank no sure 

Before I ran out the door I looked both ways before I made a direct B line to the bathroom I went in and locked it

"Safe," I say

I started the  water and took me a hot shower then I herd the door open I looked at the door and saw no one so I thought it was my imagination  going wild


THERE wAS coldness in the shower

Then I hear my sister laughing her ass off

Let me tell you when I say I got out of the shower so fast I hoped out that bitch 

She had pored ice all over me

"Hurry we are going to miss our flight"

She tells me. And I wished I had time to wring her neck bc you now I would

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