chapter 10

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My eyes got big and my face was hot,  Negga came over to my bed and was right in my face he was so close that I can smell his hot ass breath 

"what are you doing, get off of me"

"baby I said it was your turn next" he got close to me and 

he was now in between my legs he grabbed my thigh and squeezed it it felt so good I let a small mone leave my lips but quickly covered by his lips they were so dame soft oh my gosh what was I doing I am not that one bitch. I tried to push him off but he was stronger so I went along with it I put my hands under his shirt and started kissing back.

"that's right baby girl, give in" 

as he was kissing me I traced his sexy abs and he did have abs I have to admit then I got to his nipples and that's where it got funny 

I pinched the ness out off this niggas nipples 

" that's what the fuck you get for trying to be a fucking pushover bitch" he got off of me and lifted up his shirt to look at his nipples 

"what the fuck is wrong with you, you crazy bitch"

he said with his brows frowned and his moth open 

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