chapter 7

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We were finally done with the interview  and Jordan and I were packing up our things to go
"You guys can contact us if you need anything we can help"

Actually, when we got here we weren't going to stay here but when Jordan saw all the cute Asian boys she was  dying to see what she could get her hands-on

"We are actually moving here so can you guys help move us in that would be great

I slapped my forehead why would this dumb bitch say that she knows that I don't like that blond-headed negga  over there staring at me

I looked his way and he immediately turned his head to the other direction

I think he's just trying to get under my skin

"Our staff will be here in two days but we don't have anywhere to stay"

Oh shit I forgot that we check out our hotel today we don't get anywhere to stay

"What do you mean," namjoon said

"Well moving here was a last-minute decision, as  of 5-10 minutes ago"

"Well you can stay here if you like "

My eyes open up really big

Everything was going black

what the hell Jordan why would you say that this girl is going to get her ass best when we are alone

"Well we don't have much room so you are going to have to share a room with j- hope or Jimin"

Jordan said j-hope so dame fast I didn't have enough time to breath

"well I guess I have to room with that nigga" 

I point in Jimins direction. All he did was smile and give a really dirty look I scrunched my face up in a disgusted look and breathed heavily. 

"Lord JESUS if this dumb nigga tries some slick shit with me I swear on my life I will fuck his shit up!"

"So it's settled you will be staying for 2 days Jimin and Tae can help you with moving they can drive you there and back" 

We walked out of the house and to the garage 

'We will be taking my car" jimin said we walked up to his car and saw this nice ass red jeep. I stood there with my mouth open 

"are you going to get in or just walk there you self"  Tae screamed from the car 

Jordan looked at each other and ran to the car.

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