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BACK TO SCHOOL! Well it's my 6th week so eh. What I mean by Back to school I mean since I took four days to cool down. From watching Uncle Nathan's vids, it's a thing that runs in the family. We got a bad temper. Already Walking in and everyone is looking at me. I don't know if it's because of the other day or the change in wardrobe. Maybe both. I decided I needed Alittle bit of change so I chose some black. It's makes me feel better. Y'know. It doesn't seem like they're judging me. Well if you didn't know. We wear Uniforms here and on Fridays we wear what we want. I'm the kind of guy you won't see in any dark colors but things have changed. I don't care what they think really. I really don't. I'm Randy. A really boring guy who just seems dim.
I open my locker to find notes in it. The gang and others put in my locker. I open one that has gold ribbon wrapped around it for some reason. Extra? Ok then.

💮Good day💮

Dear Randy S. Brown,

This is an invitation. To where? Only one place. The heights. Yes there. Only the best place to be. You have showed us that you deserve to join us there. You truly do. So please friend join us. Please do.


                  ✨The POPULARS.

WHAT THE MOST EGOTISTICAL THING TO WRITE?!!!! As I turn around shoving the rest of notes and letters into my locker after closing it. They're all there including most of the school because if you see a group of the most popular kids crowding around an insignificant one you're gonna be there because you know something's gonna go down. I crunch up the invitation letter and throw it at them. I don't need that I don't care about popularity. "What the fuck dude?! Except it!! You finally have a chance of being someone here but you deny it?! How dumb are you?!" Of course it's someone like Milo to say the words. "Randy take it we don't accept people easily. Come on. Be someone." I knew I would never work out with Jazmin. "Being popular gives you the perks, Parties, Girls, trips, Girl. I don't know if you're even into girls at least that's what I hear." I'm tired of hearing this. I'm tired of being called gay. I am not. Not wanting to date anyone makes you automatically gay? What the fuck?! "THIS IS WHY WE'RE NOT FRIENDS ANYMORE! YOU DON'T DEFEND ME!! I'M NOT FUCKING GAY YOU DIPSHITS!!! IF YOU GUYS OVER THERE WE'RE MY FRIENDS!!!! YOU WOULD DEFEND!! YOU WOULDN'T LEAVE ME OUT!! OK I'M DONE!!! I'M COMPLETELY DONE. I'm done. Yeah. I'm done." I'm completely done with this shit. People calling you something you're not. Like fuck off. I haven't even been here 20 minutes and I'm leaving. I'm done. If they were my friends they would defend me. So I'm completely done with that shit. Ok so you know that moment when you start realizing stuff about your life? I don't even think they ever actually openly defended me ever. They never did. I always stuck up for myself. I always defended them but they never had the balls to the same for me. I hate life sometimes. I thought They were my friends. The people I could rely on. When I think about it now, were they ever? I'm not angry right now. Just dumb. Really. This is so weird. I need Starbucks.

 I need Starbucks

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