9. Truth or Dare

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A/N: For anyone wondering, Hope is 19 (a sophomore in college) and Damien is 21.

Taylor Swift- Delicate

Niall Horan- No Judgement (had to come back and add this. Everyone stream this song, it's a bop and a half!!)

Damien's POV

"Okay, what you think?" She asks me as the credits begin to roll on the TV. She looks at me with the goofy grin I've began to love.

It's been four months since we started dating. It sounds crazy. But being with Hope makes me feel things I never knew I was capable of feeling. Nor did I care before of ever feeling it. It's new and different and a cliché but I fucking love it.

For the first time in my life, I understand the concept of dating and why people choose to do it, instead of having a fuck buddy. Or fuck buddies for that matter.

Zach didn't believe me. Jane didn't believe me. None of my other friends believed me. Still now, Jane texts me thinking I'm ignoring her because I'm an asshole and not because I have an actual girlfriend.

We've spoken before about my lack of dating and my history with girls and for some reason, I decided to be honest. I even told her about Jane. Of course I had no intentions of dating Hope when I first met her, but things took a different direction that I never expected it to. She didn't judge me, although it made her feel insecure at first. Now she's learned to trust me and I feel as if we've gotten over that bridge by now.

Weirdly, when you're honest with a girl despite all the shit you do, they're more likely to forgive you.

"I'm not a good person," I had even once admitted her, to which she replied laughing, "Maybe bad boys are my type." She didn't ask me to elaborate and I was relieved. I don't know what she'd think of me being arrested twice before or my relations with gangs, but I'm sure she wouldn't take it lightly.

I shrug. "It's cheesy. But I guess it's good."

She rolls her colored eyes. Sometimes I find myself staring at them, without a clue as to what she was saying. She'd get annoyed, but I'd throw in a joke or flirt with her and then she'd show off that goofy smile of hers that I'm so fond of. I've noted that it doesn't take much to keep her happy. "Ruby Sparks is an amazing movie. And it's not that cheesy!" She defends. I grab the bowl of popcorn from her lap. She's devoured the whole thing so I chew on the kernels.

"Sure. Your tastes aren't that great, woman."

She frowns and appears to be deep in thought before shaking her head and rolling her eyes. "Okay let's watch another one. You'll love Salt."

"With a title like that, I doubt it."

"You have to trust me."

I roll my eyes and get up. "I'll get more popcorn."

The door rings at that moment. "If it's Zach, let him in," I call out to her as I make my way to the kitchen.

Hope's POV

I quickly send a text to Sean.

It's fine.

If I don't tell him that the person knocking on the door is friendly, he's going to break down this door to see if I'm still breathing.

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