Chapter 2

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Finally, someone knows I can't speak. But what difference does it make I'm still back to square one. Once again I shook my head but this time I nodded up and down.

"Do you know who you are?" She asked

Instead of asking me questions, a simple explanation would be nice. Yet again I just simply shook my head my head from right to left.

She looked at me as if she already knew what was going on with me. Please tell me somebody what's wrong with me. I couldn't take this no more. I wanted answers and I wanted them now. Instead of getting answers the doctor told me that they were going to do some tests on me to see if I was okay. The whole day was such a bother I had no answers, I couldn't even talk to myself because I was complete stranger in my own body. So I just kept at looking at the nurse that came and gave me a shot and then left me. I tried to get up from my bed so many times but it didn't work out. My body was so weak. Running away wasn't going to work out I guess.

Soooo.........the clock is ticking by slow. Life's been great and everyone is just happy. The day went by I got my lunch and dinner and was basically a freeloader the whole time.

The next day was, in a way pretty much the same for me except for one thing I found out who I was. It all went like this. The doctor came in and sat on a chair that was beside me.

"Good Morning". She said while smiling brightly.

I just smiled back.

"Well. I think you want to know some answers about who you are."

My eyes widened. Of course I wanted answers.

"Your name is Shadow Evers. Also we have notified relatives that you've woken up and they will be arriving shortly."

Ok. Is it just me or does it feel like no answer was given to me except my name and the fact that I had relatives. Where were my parents? I wonder how they looked like. Wait?! How do I look like. My train of thoughts stopped abruptly. When I saw a man who looked like in his mid 40's and a women who looks like she's in her late 30's. The man had brown hair with some gray hair and the woman had the same color hair except she had a lighter brown hair with no gray hair.

"Oh my god your awake!" She said as if she saw a ghost or something. But I couldn't tell if she was worried or not. I just had a strange feeling she wasn't worried.

I looked at her but I can't seem to remember who she is. Yeah I know I got amnesia or whatever but at least a fuzzy flashback memory will be nice. Was I a bitch or something I can never really tell.

After that I was suffocating under that lady. Let's just call her that lady from now on. She kept on hugging me. I tried to push her back it was no use. But suddenly after what seemed like forever she let go and said to the doctor

"May you give us a moment of privacy."

"Yes. Sure no problem. Take your time. I know how this might feel." She said

Wait. No! You can't leave. I felt a connection between me and the doctor. You can't just leave me here stranded with this woman and a strange looking man. Please don't go. But as soon as she left. The woman and man true colors have finally awoken.

"You should be lucky you survived. Too bad it couldn't be said the same for them. Now listen carefully your going to tell me where it is or else Dylan will die. You are not the only one that survived there's also Dylan who barely survived. Now tell us where is it hidden."

Ok. Hold on. Doesn't she know I can't speak and I lost my memory. Secondly, what is it, that is hidden? Who else died? Finally, who is Dylan?

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