Chapter 30: Herb

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Five days now that we've been 'not together' anymore. Six days of not having slept in the same bed. No kisses or anything and I'm proud of myself. He's tempting he's so tempting. Especially when he's behaving himself. Which he has been doing.

He's so kissable. And he just sits there waiting for me to make a move on him. He's got 'kiss me' eyes and I'm struggling to hold myself back.

Just as he's doing right now.

"What?" he asks.

"You're the one looking at me," I shrug. Even though I'm looking at him too.

"So?" he scoots closer to me. His intoxicating smell makes me want to put my face in his chest.

"So don't," I lick my lips and his eyes trail down to them. They stay in that position, looking there and not moving.

"Stop looking at my lips," I warn.

"I can't kiss you so I'm imagining it, leave me alone," he dismisses my warning.

"And other things," he mumbles. I scoot away from him and turn my head before I give in.

"Are you harassing her?" Jai's voice questions as he shows up at our table.

"Yes he is, call the po-po," I nod to Jai.

"I thought y'all broke up?" he questions.

"We did," I confirm, "but it's hard."

"So am I," Grey mutters under his breath and I feel my eyes widen just a tad bit. I peek over at him and he's not-so-subtly looking down my black v-neck silky tank top.

"If you're still sitting here by the time Abby gets here I'm gonna pitch a fit and you'll never hear the end of it," I assure Grey as two o'clock quickly approaches, the time we agreed to meet up at.

He shrugs like it's not a big deal.

"Abby, huh?" Jai takes a seat across from us, "she cute?"

"She's very pretty," I nod and he nods too, a smirk on his face.

"Shit, I'm single now too, might have to do something with this girl," Grey grumbles, and I turn my whole body toward him.

"Do not try me Grey Alexander," I warn, "I will end you before you can even blink."

We're only haphazardly broken up. We can't get with another person. We just can't.

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