17: Forgiving? 💚

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I ended up falling asleep in Kentrell arms last night, he didn't know but I dropped a feels tears while he held me because I knew I deserved better, but I knew I couldn't help but forgive him. I was already attached.

I woke up and I didn't see him next to me so I thought he left until I got up and seen his balenciagas next to the bed. I walked into the kitchen because I was hungry and seen 3 big ass bouquets, one was in the shape of a heart then there was 3 LV bags and a Gucci bag idk why I thought it was for Kayla from 3 so I walked passed it into the kitchen.

I put some waffles in the toaster and I began to scroll on Instagram.

"You like yo gifts" I heard Kentrell say, making me look over

"Oh them mine?" I made a confused face

"Duh who else they gon be fo" he mugged me

"I thought they was from 3 to Kayla, but let me look at them" I laughed
I opened the gifts he got me 2 LV purses and A pair of LV sandals. In the Gucci back it was a jumpsuit and socks.

I smiled because I remember one day I was tellin him I wanted this jump suit.

"Aww, you smiling, you like it?" He asked smiling showing his grill.

"Yes I like it, thank you" I smiled

After that I brushed my teeth and washed my face, then decided to get in the shower.

While I was in the shower I heard a knock on the door and not even 2 seconds later the door opened.

"Kentrell if that's you get out" I yelled out

"Why I gotta get out? I can't get in tha shower wit you?" He smacked his lips

"Nope bye" I responded

"I'm gettin in anyways" he said and really got in the shower with me.

"You get on my nerves" I whined

"You love me tho" he smiled

I was quiet after that because we've never told each other we love one another, I felt it but I was waiting on him to say it first because I didn't know if he was in deep like me.

"Say turn towards me real quick" he said to me

"Kentrell why? I'm tryna take my shower" I complained

"Just do it mane" he sounded irritated.

I turned around.

He looked me into my eyes with a serious look on his face. Omg he looked so good I was stuck just staring back. I loved eye contact with him.

He grabbed my face and kissed me. I'm talkin slow nasty kissing and lip biting. Then he pulled away and started talking lowly.

"Say you gon let me get some of what's mine?" He asked
"Yours?" I asked raising my eyebrow.
"Yes, mine" he responded
He pushed me against the shower wall and lifted my leg up.
He slowly put his dick in me and looked in my eyes.
He was literally looking in my eyes and kissing me while he was doing it.
He went deep and slow making me moan out.
He went down to my neck and started kissing my neck leaving hickeys.

Then he sped up his pace going face and deep, I gripped on to his back because it felt so good.

"Who this belong to?" He spoke
"You" I moaned
"Who?" He asked going faster
"Kentrell" I moaned out louder, then I came.

He came literally 1 second after me, of course he pulled out.
After we started helping each other was off then we got out.

We went to my room and I looked at him "okay so you leaving now?" I asked

"The fuck.. no, why you want me to?" He asked

"Yeah I'm still mad at you" I layed on the bed

"Mane stop the bullshit, no way you just let me fuck you like that and you tryna get me to leave, stop treating me like a regular nigga before I fuck you up" he spoke aggressively

"I'm just playing, come lay with me and finish 13 reasons why" I smiled

"Nobody wanna watched that shit, put on stranger things" he said getting on the bed pulling me to him.

" I don't like that show but I guess we can watch it" I responded.

"Yeah put that shit on" he kissed my cheek then layed down cuddling behind me.

We layed down and watched it.

*15 mins later"

"Tahlia what you do-" Kayla walked in about to speak until she seen me and Kentrell cuddled up, she just smiled. She been wanting me to forgive Kentrell. Idk why she really wanted us together.

"Aww okay let me leave" she winked making me and Kentrell laugh.

"Dude she something else" he said shaking his head.

"Tell me about it" I chuckled.

We continued watching the show, we he continued. He was so into it and I was on my phone, I could feel him looking at my screen here and there but I didn't care, wit his nosey ass.

Okay smooth lul chapter for yallll 😎 but just like that Kentrell got her back wit his slick ass.

This was my first ever sex scene considering it's my first book 😩 how I do ?

Is she Dumb for taking him back ?

Will he act right ?

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