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“Chief, what should we do with this?”

“Chief, where do you want the stove built?”

“Chief, should we add a chimney. . .”

. . .

Several beastmen dressed in sheepskin were huddled in the warehouse, all asking questions.

Ryan stood at the front of the warehouse and was directing the men at work.

Well, no one was paying attention to her.

Jǐ Xiǎo Ōu observed the environment then checked her things and carried her backpack, sneaking towards the door.

Since Ryan had said he wanted to pursue her yesterday, he had seriously began taking “courtship” actions.

He personally boiled her a fish soup, examined her wounds, and slept on the bed with her in the evening.

You know, he was honest to the animal style of laying belly down!


ǐ Xiǎo Ōu’s whole body went into shock and she immediately jumped from the bed, refusing righteously.

Later. . . Ryan directly pressed her into bed and asked her, “Do you know why carnivores like to hunt?”

Jǐ Xiǎo Ōu shook her head.

“Because,” Ryan said, licking his lips with impudence, “Running away will only arouse our interest.”

Jǐ Xiǎo Ōu: “. . .”

So Jǐ Xiǎo Ōu did not dare to move the entire night, lying stiffly in the corner for fear of arousing his “interest”.

Earlier that morning, Ryan called over three leopards and brought them to the warehouse to clean it up and transform it into a kitchen.

Jǐ Xiǎo Ōu saw that Ryan wasn’t treating it like a joke. Although she didn’t know why he wanted to court her, she knew that if she didn’t hurry to escape, she may not have a chance later.

Jǐ Xiǎo Ōu stepped lightly and carefully toward the door of the yard, holding the door latch and opening it up a little. . .

Suddenly a hand landed on her shoulder and pulled her back.

“It seems that you would prefer to be my prey than my female,” Ryan’s hands tightened on her hips.

Jǐ Xiǎo Ōu froze then her hair nearly exploded, “You!. . . You put me down!”

The three leopards at the entrance of the warehouse turned to watch as he actually slapped her butt!

Jǐ Xiǎo Ōu kicked her feet in frustration, “I’m going to find Pat. . .”

Ryan’s claws held her waist and pulled her back towards the door of the warehouse, “Didn’t I promise I’d help you find him?”

Jǐ Xiǎo Ōu shook her head violently: “No, I want to find him myself.”

Ryan asked: “Why not?”

Jǐ Xiǎo Ōu paused, “. . .I don’t want to owe you anything.” Only then could she walk away happy.

Ryan frowned, his eyebrows wrinkling slightly, and he got straight to the point, “If it were Táo Táo in front of you, would you still refuse?”

“. . .”

Ryan just had to say what was on her mind.

In Jǐ Xiǎo Ōu’s heart, there was always a difference between “Táo Táo” and “Ryan” and she could not associate them together.

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