Chapter 8 Part 1

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Natsu's POV
It felt so good to hear Lucy talk to me. The days passed quickly and soon our new house was ready to be moved into. I had been packing things up on the days I could stay home with her and we talked so much about everything.

We also found out that we could send images by telepathy, the same as our conversations. So that was nice especially when I couldn't figure out what to call something. It also made my stories more interesting to her. I could tell her about whatever mission I went on or I could tell her about growing up. She really likes the little memories I showed her.

One day she asked me to show her my favorite memory I was a little startled by the request but I did finally show her. It was the day i first climbed into her bed and held her to me the night we first met. The memories I showed her would also show my current thoughts at the time at least the feelings. That memory was years ago and I already knew I loved her then. 

I didn't really know how to respond until I had images flooding my mind, it was the day we met. It was when I first broke the love charm that was used on her. Turns out the only way to break that charm was by seeing your true love. I laugh out loud, "if only I would have told you I loved you then."

'Then I wouldn't have gotten to have you as my best friend first,' Lucy responded. I smile at her. "Yeah, that was pretty damn great wasn't it?"

I carried our things over and unpacked on one of the days I was supposed to be away from her I figured this would be enough. I started panting when I realized I was starving. I haven't eaten much this week it's been seven weeks since Lucy started hibernating and even talking to her and making love had not really been enough. I think it's her actual voice I need right now. I groan and drag myself to the guild to eat lunch. Knowing full well she would get angry at me for not taking care of myself. I ate as much as I could force myself which was more than a normal person still but not nearly as much as I would have normally. Lucy is 17 weeks along.

I smile as I remember hearing their heartbeats and sense as they moved around inside her belly. It's so hard not to go to her. I go up to Master's office and knock on the door, I go in when he responds.

"I hope you have an update for me? I'm starting to go crazy not knowing," He says after I hit the silence charm.

I smile and chuckle at him, "Yeah, Luce is still hibernating but the babies are growing. I should be able to tell their genders any day now."

"Are there still only three?" he teased me.

"Yeah Gramps," I groan, it had become a bit of a joke with him. Thankfully it was not possible for me to impregnate Lucy again until after the current babies turn three years old after they hatch. I don't know why but that is just the way it is, and he knows it.

I smile at his teasing, it's really nice. It's still sad that he is the only person who knows that Lucy is pregnant but it's also a relief that he does know. I have been spending more and more time with him since Grey finally manned up and asked Juvia out.

It was kind of comical I watched as he asked her and he kept pulling his shirt off and I would send a very small flame at him and he would put it back on and try again. Until finally he asked if Juvia would go to the amusement park with him that Saturday. that was four weeks ago. He has not really cared about going on S class missions since then.

I sigh a little and Gramps noticed, "What's wrong Natsu?"

"I guess I'm just a bit lonely. Lucy is still hibernating plus I can't see her for another two hours anyway and Grey finally listened to me and asked Juvia out and it won't be long before Gajeel will ask for permission to ask Levy on a date so I have been avoiding him," I sigh again.

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