23- Peaceful Pain // Jeongin x Members

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-I when through a emo hour and wrote this without even realising, sounds impossible but it happened
-Mention Of suicide/self harm
-Please don't read if you're really sensitive about the topic of suicide for your own safety ❤️❤️❤️


Jeongin was of course been the bubbly self he want to be, he try his best to stay happy, but sometimes evil thoughts gets him, which is like recently....he start having thoughts...old thoughts he used to have

Those thoughts used to haunt him down, but now is once again haunting him, telling him his useless, no one loves him...

His parents wanted him to study, go to a good university and becomes a wealthy business man, then some kind of boring idol that wears sparkling clothes, act cute and wears make up everyday.

His parents don't understand, "you're a male why do you wear make up, is just dumb". Jeongin have always wanted to be a idol, not because of the pretty concepts, is because he loves singing, when ever he felt sad or depress he sings to feel relief, it calms him down

He knows been a idol isn't easy, he know how hard it is. but if he doesn't give it to try, then he would never be successful

He listened to himself, practice and try harder, he was auctioned into a idol company, that he always wanted to be in, his parents did not like that. They hated it. They've gave two choices to the boy, either him leaving the company and becomes a normal human/student, or he'll leave them and they'll cut off all the contacts forever

Jeongin been Jeongin, he wanted to follow his dream. He was kicked out of the house with a few dollars in hand and nothing else.

But lucky him, the god have seen and give him the best new life he wish for, he was quickly been found by his now leader into a boy group. His leader was so caring, he was like a older
Brother figure towards Jeongin, he was lucky to be the youngest member receiving all the love from all his Hyungs.

But there's one thing his still missing is how not confident he is. He always tend to mess up a certain part of the song, of course the leader will get mad at him, they teach him over and over again, but he just...doesn't seem to get it.

Jeongin knows instead of thinking about other things, he should put his full focus onto his idol life. Once he sees all his Members leaving, he told chan he'll be staying to practice, the leader nodded and understand, and also told him not to over work himself


Days...and days Jeongin practice from Day to night, night to day, a week have pass and he have only slept 5-6 hours for the whole week, he spend almost every seconds and minutes in the vocal practice room with his teacher that comes in for 2 hours just to teach him.

The younger would also spend his breakfast, lunch and dinner in the practice room, all his members sees how hard and over working Jeongin is doing to himself, everyone was worried, they told him to rest. But the boy would tell them not to worry....

The day of their debut wasn't going as he expected, Jeongin expected more perfect vocals, but he thinks he didn't do his best and he let his team down even though they have officially debuted, after the show was ended and fans leaving, Jeongin felt really sick, but he didn't want to ruined the mood of everyone

Chan and everyone else wanted to celebrate and their Managers agreed. Everyone finished changing and was waiting for the youngest to come out, seconds after minutes after hour...No one have seen Jeongin coming out but soon chan received a text that Jeongin already left?

Which lead everyone confused...how? the manager thought maybe the boy left with another stuff for other things? so they left alone and when to celebrate....but little did they know Jeongin did not leave, his still here. Just...

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