43- Dumb // Minlix

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His pretty sliver hair parted to the side, angel kissed nose, pretty eyes, cherry shaped like lips, god Felix is so whipped

Ever since young, when felix run into a boy name min crying after tripping over a rock, Felix felt he needed to protect the boy forever, he still remembers when the boy was crying his eyes out on the ground, and when he when and helped him, min was staring at him with those watery round eyes and pink cheeks

His heart skipped a beat

Min and felix become good friends, but time is a karma, min end up flying overseas for his father's business the two boy waved each other away at the airport when they were around 11.

Ever since then, felix have never talked to min ever again, but around a few weeks ago, a boy name Minho showed up at his school, he was so handsome, the sliver hair, the unbuttoned shirt and black ripped jeans, many girls was dying at how handsome Minho was including Felix

But, there was something about Minho, it reminds Felix of someone, Min. The boy he use to be friends with, Minho look like min, but there's something different about them

Minho was more of a bad boy, while the small young min was cute and cry easily, Felix snapped out of his mind as Minho sat next to him, Felix not gonna lie feeling his heartbeat increasing crazy

"Is there something on my face" he asked coldly, of course Felix got scared and shaked his head, "his not min, min isn't mean" Felix mumbled while looking down, Minho chuckled and when back listening to the teacher

Felix spend his whole lesson thinking about Min who normally came across his mind a few times each week during the years not seeing or talking to him, Felix wonders how Min is doing, is he still a cry baby? Is he super handsome? Is he super cute? Who knows..

"Felix can I borrow the book"

Felix snapped out of his mind and nodded, as he hand Minho the book he looked out the window, "did I tell minho my name??" Felix questioned


As class ended so many girls came crowded next to minho asking him a bunch of questions, Felix sitting next to minho was kinda feeling uncomfortable and maybe just a little jealous for some reason

Felix grabbed Minho's arm and dragged him out of the class, Minho smiled as he see Felix's cheeks puffed up, Felix dragged the older out of the school building and sat by the bench tables outside

"Thanks" Minho said, "n-no worries!" Felix said, there was a few silence before Felix decided to bring up some conversations, "umm I'm felix.." the younger said, "shit, dumbass of course he knows your name, he called your name in class" Felix mentally cursed, Minho who's sitting across Felix leaned in and smiled

"I know" he replied, "oh..ahah..??" Felix replied awkwardly, "of course I do" Minho smiled again which definitely confused Felix, "You don't remember me?" Minho asked kinda disappointed

"..I don't really understand what you're saying.." Felix replied looking lost, "ahhh..forget it..is fine.." Minho smiled, but Felix can tell that smile looked like Minho is hurt and sad


Weeks has pass, the two got very close, Felix notice how Minho behave just like min, Minho was scary at first, but as time pass Felix realised how soft a person Minho was, and how cute minho can get, Felix felt whipped by the older, just maybe Felix start to have feelings for someone after many years

Minho on the other hand was trying his best to perhaps make Felix remember who he is, but the younger seem lost all the time, Minho kinda give up, maybe Felix never cared or even remember min, Minho thought he would introduce himself as Minho and min just never existed

Not until when Felix invited Minho to his house, Mrs Lee recognised him straight away, Minho was surprised, so he told the lady to kept it as a secret since Felix still doesn't know his Min, Mrs Lee laughed at how dumb her son was

When Minho when into Felix's room he was shock at how Felix has so many photos of him and min together on the wall, Minho walked closer to have a good look, he was about to touch the photos but his hands were slapped away by Felix

"Don't touch! They're very special to me!" Felix pouted, Minho laughed and nodded, "how special? Who's that boy?" Minho asked

As Minho asked about min, Felix's eyes light up, "him? That's min, he was my best friend...but he moved away, and..we never talked to each other ever since, I bet he probably won't remember me" Felix said looking down

Minho sighed as he sees Felix who looks like his about to cry, Minho sat down front of Felix on the bed and lift Felix's chin up, "who said he doesn't remember you? He think about you everyday for the pass years, he never missed a day thinking about the photos he has with you, he always carries a photo of you and him with him everywhere he goes, when he heard his coming back to Korea, he was really happy. But he was worried you won't remember him, but now his glad you still remember him" Minho said it all at once and smiled

Felix's eyes wielded, "h..how did yo- y-you are Min?" Felix asked and Minho nodded, without any hesitation Felix hugged the older straight away crying on his shoulder, "I-I miss you" Felix said while sobbing

"I miss you too, even though we've been seeing each other for the pass weeks" Minho laughed, "you should've t-told me earlier!" Felix cried out gently slapped Minho on the back

"Well, you seem very clueless so I kinda give up" Minho chuckled, as he softly ruffled Felix's hair trying to calm the boy down, "but I miss you a lot...very very much too" Minho whispered into Felix's ear

"Boys! Dinn- oh...oopsie..sorry! You guys continue!" Mrs Lee giggled as she sees the two boys hugging, she didn't want to ruined the mood, so she also left to do some grocery shopping

"Y..you are very handsome..right now.." Felix mumbled feeling his cheeks turning red and redder, "i know" Minho replied confidently

Felix pouted, "y..you make it hard for me to flirt with you!" Felix whined, "and you make me hard" Minho smirked, Felix quickly moved away from Minho looking shock

"What? I'm tell the truth? You are so cute, like soo cute... the way you look like you were about to cry when I first saw you, you playing with my hands when you're bored, you hugging me, I want to destroy you really bad..even right now", Felix is now in the corner of the bed blushing really bad

Minho smirked and crawled closer towards the younger, pinning the boy against the bed frame, Felix gulped staring at the older as Minho was leaning closer and closer towards his face

Soon enough the two lips connected, the two felt firework going off inside, Felix slowly wrapping his arms around Minho's neck the older slowly wrapping his arms around Felix's waist bring the younger forward to sit on his lap

It then turned into a heated make out as Felix's sweet moans were heaven for Minho to hear, "H..Hyung.." Felix moan out, which did excite Minho a lot.

"Yes baby?" Minho smirked

"M-more please.." Felix pant out

"Of course.. I didn't plan to stop anyway"


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